I was planning on just buying a lab for one of my alts. If i just went on to it daily, with no proxies and did my thing, would that be chain-freeze? Gee, thats the problem with only Abing on your main. You have no idea what to do when you want to use your sides =/
Nope it is perfectly legal/legit to have more than one account with lab rays. I know some with all 5 of their accounts having the ray. As long as you're not earning nps from one of those sides you're all set
yeah, but tnt might watch your accounts a little closer for a bit... As i'm sure 5 accounts logging in one after another would probably flag tnt... Though they wouldn't be able to ice you for multi-labbing, they might see you were abing and ice you for that...
Yeah, it will be perfectly legal to have two lab accounts, maybe not the way you get thje money though XD