Since christmas paint brushes are so low right now and dont cost much i think if we buy up all of the christmas pb's we can inflate the price to like 200 to 250k from where they are now which is like 45 to 50k... just a thought i already have like 25 so i can do my own little self inflation, if you wanna help then just buy the pb's and check back ill say when to sell them...
Might actually be a good item to hoard. I'm seriously considering it. Only risk is further Tarla-ing.
Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll theres a few problems. Yes, it will be a profitable item... Eventtttttuallllllllly... but id say that now thers about 1 million, yes 1 million CPBs in circulation b/c news traveled fast and everyone picked up ther free PB wen they were given out by the Advent Cal. Its gonna be years before its profitable... Stick to Ring of sloth stamps.. Theyre up 17000 in 8 or 9 days. AND ther are few of them in circ
ok and i guess thats true since the advent cal sent em out theres tons out but they've gone up like 25k since i bought my 25 so i figured the more we buy up possibly the wuicker it would go up(hence the user inflation) but w/e i think i have enough to split them up into different accounts and spam the tp with cpb's with them at 150k-ish
I think what we're afraid of is the fact that we could easily get screwed on this one. Tnt has been prone to kill xmas pb inflation in the past (advent calender and Tarla).
i say stick to snowbunnies and ring of sloth stamps snowbunnies are still a good idea since theyre a retired advent calender item from 4 years ago... so people put em on theyre pets, advent calender galleries and petpet galleries
yeah, might be good to hoard. Right now, people are doing that to the bag of peanuts and snorkle snout, both avatar items that must be feed to the right neopet.