Stop! Don't move or change a single thing, just simply press the "Print Screen" (or "Prt Sc") button on your keyboard (for those of you with a PC, at least), open up MS Paint, paste, save, and upload/post! You can use to upload pictures to for free. Please use the following code to post your image: Code (Text): [Spoiler][img][/img][/Spoiler] Here's my desktop's desktop: Spoiler And here's my laptop's desktop: Spoiler On my desktop I actually have over 800 full HD 1920x1080 pictures in my wallpaper folder, and Windows 7 will scroll through and pick one at random every 12 hours, so I rarely look at the same background for too long. It's nice!
Here's mine. Sorry for the resize, I'm running dual monitors and it was taking too much space: Spoiler
I think I change my desktop about once a year or so. Pretty much whenever I get embarrassed of having to showing my desktop to strangers. lol. Don't know how long this has been up... Probably at least half a year. Spoiler
I switch between these two regularly. Normally it depends if I feel like looking at something more exciting or w/e. Spoiler Spoiler