First off, I have never, and will never use a auto adopter program. I don't find them very useful, or fair at all. all the pets I find in the pound have been done by just sitting on the computer, going through the pound for hours on end when I'm bored. anyway.. my best pound catches have been a grey kacheek, shoyru and cybunny, a VWN snot ixi, + a snot kiko and quiggle, a very high leveled jelly bori and 2 vwn faerie pets. whats everyone elses?
Though no one will believe me, this friday I picked up a Krawk in the pound. Probably the best pet i have seen in the pound. Then just the normal Christmas/Split/Normal colored pets. ~Parisdirt
...krawk! O_O Congrats! Hahaha, best I've gotten was a UC buzz. Badly named, though .-. Gotten a Halloween Jubjub before as well.
If you lurk on the Pound boards and sometimes chat along you'll get a nice pet eventually I can't remember anymore but the last real catch I could remember was a Robot Yurble
Some RW pets, a few WN ones... I don't find many good painted pets then again, I don't pound surf that often
About a year ago I snagged a Desert Draik, kinda sucked since there was no clothing but still, it was a very well named Draik. I kept and trained him too, until I was frozen.
Best I got was a mid-statted Kiko. Around 40-50 in each stat and was really well-named. No great colors yet though.. Also haven't visited the pound recently.
I don't really pound surf a lot, but the best thing i've gotten is probably a Grey Kyrii. ( Not the best, I know )
Nice catch!! My best would probably be an almost RN faerie eyrie. I did see a draik once, but I missed
I've never even seen a draik/krawk I think my best has been a short BN (like Xx## or something) Faerie Xwee :3