Xxxxxx the Custard Ruki Any ideas? Also, would be nice to know what pet it could go for o the NeoBoards. Oh oh and this pet too: Xxxxx- The Island Lenny.
Correct. Honestly, I don't think the custard ruki's worth a lot. Most painted pets can be had on here for under about 500k. It all depends on the color. SO many people with lab, or with AAer, stuff's so common
UCs mean unconverted. This means that the pet color was around BEFORE customization. I don't think custard pets were. There are only a few colors that have UC versions, and they're pets that had a drastically different stance pre-conversion. Royal, Baby, Faerie, Mutant, Halloween, Grey, MSP, Plushie, Sponge, Darigan, Robot I believe are the only ones with UC. Let me know if I've missed any. And not EVERY pet comes in those above colors UC. For instance, there isn't such thing as a UC robot Grundo. Only a regular robot grundo.