has anyone ever won anythin from the quaslan expellibox. i have got it in the hole, but neopets says that its in the one next to it, or 2 away. does this happen 2 anyone else, or do yhu all win lots of nc from it!!??
The chances of getting NC are pretty slim, but just keep doing it everyday. Although you may not get NC, you can get other nps and items too. I got 150 NC from it once, was pretty shocked too. ^^
i play it daily.. i won heaps of time.. most in np was 2500. and i only won NC once.. it wasnt alot though
I think if you do actually win NC its only 150. One of three things always happen for me. 1) nothing 2) win up tp 1000nps 3) my pet gets sick
I litterally get the X every day...in fact I've gotten diseases like 3 times I've heard of people who've won NC 3 times by now...it's rigged I tell you
The most i ever got is 200np or something like that I get the x or just the item (junk) yay ? I do it every day though
Yea I usally get the X or junk, but I did get 150 NC, I was like YES! And then I realized that its not a ton of NC, Oh Well lol