So yesterday I made a post contemplating using adblock and stuff like that. Well today I try and log into my account and it's frozen for 'autobuying'. Now...I'm a bit infuriated because I haven't used a single 'cheatish' thing since I've been back. I have been restocking in magic, but it's not like I got every single morphing a two week period I got 8 of them. I took a screenshot of everyone of them too...when you buy it ya know and put it on the petpage. I'm frozen for autobuying. I'm not really sure why at all, I sent them a mail and stated that I wasn't at all and I even gave them all my screenshots of all the potions that I got. So my question is...has anyone ever had a legit account iced before and ever gotten it back? This seriously makes me really frustrated with Neopets as I hadn't even used any 'cheats' at all. And I really don't want to restart over AGAIN.
Yeah you can get it back ;D I got it back a while ago. But you can use this : other-guides-f81/using-bbb-org-to-get-your-account-unfrozen-t21826.html It might help you
So does filing a complaint with the BBB actually work? I have three other accounts that are frozen (they even admitted that they made the mistake, but bc it was inactive too long they wouldnt give it back...) one was premium as you think that if I did that I'd be able to get those accounts back too?
In the treat someone posted that he/she got their account back using the BBB. I don't know if it's 100% sure you get your account back. But it's a possibility. I reckon that Neopets would not give you all the accounts back. Or at least not at once. But it's always worth a shot.
Okay thanks. I'll definitely try it. Because when I had premium I couldn't find where to cancel my service, so my account was frozen for several months and they were continuing to charge me for premium..even though my account was frozen. When I contacted them about it they said it was my fault because I didn't cancel it...even though my account was frozen and I couldn't get into it~ I just really don't get how my account was frozen for's not like I was even getting a lot of morphing potions. I mean 8 in like a 2 week period? There was one day though that I did get three of them in one day...but I was restocking at night time...and a 5 yr old with enough common sense could of gotten them...restocking at night is 10x easier.
well i would say that you should try BBB because you cant loose. And have you tried contacting a tnt member directly? as in not through there forms...?
Just out of curiosity did you have Java Script turned off? I've heard that if you do that the haggle page link is different than the normal one. Not sure if that is true or not, I've never tested myself, but it's just a possibility maybe? And yes, I've had a friend get an account back that they accused of cheating, but it took a long eight or so months and arguing with TNT through the BBB before they finally caved in and just gave it back. But after that they told him his account would be monitored for life, so if you ever do get it back.. don't take any chances with any sort of cheating or anything that would give you some kind of advantage over others.
Yes - you can no longer contact TNT staff directly. When I first came back a couple weeks ago and tried to get my accounts back I sent emails directly to a few staff members that I've read help players. Well now when you send mail directly it blocks it and says that you have to use their forms. I'm filing a complaint with the BBB now. Hopefully they will resolve the issue, and hopefully all my accounts will eventually get returned to me. I really don't understand why Neopets has gone downhill like this No I didn't have Java Script turned off - that's the message that popups and says do you wish to purchse this item or whatever? I didn't have anything turned off, except I was using Adblock with Firefox to block their ads on the site.
i am also using adblock and that props up a little concern :O:O but anyways it will prob take a while but gl with getting your acc back!! ps: its news to me that you can no longer contact them directly 00_oo
Well do you think using Adblock was what triggered thinking that I used an autobuyer? I'm not sure how it would considering it just blocks the ads on the site....
Nah, TNT is just stupid nowadays They see some non-pro account refreshing at Magic and they ban you for autobuying.
I just hope that it'll be obvious to them when they see the screenshots that I wasn't using an autobuyer...and that they made the mistake. How long does it usually take TNT to respond back to you?
The latest response I've ever gotten took a week. Screenshots don't prove much since they can be faked easily (the Acheteur Ultime ABer can create fake screenies for you). I would suggest using BBB.
Well that's great...didn't know there was an autobuyer that made screenshots for you. Can you tell that they're fake?
Well I got an automated response back. It said "This account has been found cheating, you can make another account and follow our rules if you'd like" basically. I mean they didn't even read what I said apparently. I asked specfically what I did wrong, and they can't answer that. Because I didn't do anything wrong...well I let them have a chance I'm definitely filing a complaint with the BBB...hopefully they can resolve the issue.
LOL, that's why you don't send the email to the link they give you, cuz it's just a auto reply. Once my friend (for refreshing got banned, but they didn't know specifically why) listed 20 reasons. Also, TNT is retarded, they banned my noob friend's joint account (3 weeks old), it's like.............IT'S F***ing rich cuz I gave it 2 meowclops and 10 other retired petpets, NOT BECAUSE THEY HACKED. Bascially, their joint account was of 4 people. 3 people had their own accounts and 1 only has the joint account. So basically, it's like 4 accounts. But NOOOOOO, they don't see it that way, they see it as 3 people having 2 accounts EACH and 1 person with omg, they can't even count. (didn't try to get it back yet, seeing as having a 6 year+ account with a gazillion trohpies and avatar means I'm immune to ban) (seriously, I got caught score sending and they only -4k neopoints), so getting at least a mil a day is easy.
Thats terrible of how they charged you even though you wern't using the service!!They should give you back triple the price you paid!!And i can't believe they said it was your fault what @$$#@%%^^$#$E#^$^$# > :maha:
Submit a complaint for a refund. Thats what I would do. Their cancel process is rather difficult anyway if you arent paying for it with paypal.
You can get a legit account back, but it is so much harder to get an illegit account back, but TNT might just "have the evidence". Now, even if it is legit, they might keep it iced because they don't want to unleash another "gonna-be" cheater that they are already suspicious about.