Just a curious sort of question -- does the refresh rate you set for your ABer really matter in terms of getting your account frozen? Say I want to set it to refresh between three and six seconds, would that set off a big red flag? I already know it would cause me to get restock banned quicker, but I'm not worried so much about that. I know the buy time has a lot to do with being frozen so I always leave mine set close to 2-3 seconds, but I never really knew about the refresh rate, so any input is appreciated.
....Answer me one question... Could you restock in between 3-6 seconds exactly for 30mins-one hour? No? Refresh rates are massivley under rated.
What do you mean you can't? It doesn't take me five/six seconds to refresh a page when I am trying to restock legitimately. And to be honest, I notice a lot of the times I am not cheating and restocking normally I do have a pattern where I pretty much refresh (by hand) around the same amount of seconds everytime, with every so often maybe +1 second higher or lower. If that makes sense.
lol. The time is based on milliseconds not seconds, so your sayin when you restock legit you can refresh repeatedly between a ratio of exact seconds to the millisecond "with every so often" going +1 -1 So, your telling me you can refresh legit with out going a milisecond outsite based integers of 6 seconds & 3 seconds for example I.e 6.00000 seconds Refresh 3.13232 seconds refresh 5.343 seconds refresh 3.12432 seconds refresh 4.34244 seconds refresh 3.00000 seconds "And to be honest, I notice a lot of the times I am not cheating and restocking normally I do have a pattern where I pretty much refresh (by hand) around the same amount of seconds everytime" To which the quote i refer.
I made this topic because I wasn't sure and wanted to learn about it, there's no need to post with such a condescending attitude. I did not know the refreshing was done in milliseconds all of the time with the programs, hence why I made the topic asking for help/opinions/explanations. One of the ABers I have and use does show refreshing in milliseconds like you state, for example if I do set it for 5-6 seconds it will randomly refresh say 5.33783 seconds, then maybe 5.8656 etc, basically random .#s. And then there's expon's AB for example, where it just shows "Next Refresh: secondsgoeshere", but now I understand, thank you for the information.
Yes, the refresh rates does matter in term of getting your account frozen. But you must take in account of your durations of your auto-buying time. Most of elite legit players do refreshes very fast esp. in magic shop, but they abing in short amount of time (approx 5 - 15 mins) and take a long break. Some players do refreshes very slow (8sec - 12sec), but abing longer (15 - 25 mins) I'm not sure that is totally save but I have been doing it and nothing happen yet. I never recommend you abing longer than 30mins at once thou.
I wouldnt recommend abbing full stop to be quite honest, Its not a question of "if" but "when" ... your gonna get frozen
basically you are saying not to cheat at all, since all cheats have chances of getting ice. but it's not really an answer he's looking for; he has decided to cheat in the first place. hence, he must already know the cons of cheating. he probably looking ways to lower the chance?
Am not saying dont cheat at all, your reading in between lines that are not written, and your winding me up.
so you're saying abing is not cheating? "your winding me up" huh? lets just not go off the topic here the topic has ended anyway. question been answered
Please tell me where i said abbing is not cheating? Please tell me where i said dont use any cheats? BOTH in which you refer to me as saying? Please for the love of god dont test me on these things, your observance skills are a bad example to your country!
lol, get a load of this guy. dam, you must have alot of sand down there; to be insulting someone's country. I don't see how this is relevant at all. i'm not bother arguing with you; there's no point talking AT ALL, such a waste of time. gamergrrl, i'm so sorry for unnecessary posts, wont be doing that anymore and to mod: sorry for semi spamming EDIT: -topic locked by user request-