Hi! I'm of course new to here and this is my first post, so just wanted to say hello before I ask my question. Basically, I've been playing Neopets now for over 7 years on and off. I decided to come back and spend some free time on the site and enjoy myself to come back and find that my three accounts all that were richly 'furnished' if you know what I mean....good pets, lab maps, millions of nps etc were frozen. Apparently in the last year and a half that I haven't been playing Neopets nor gave a thought about it I tried to purchase or buy neopoints. I of course sent in a ticket and I got a reply back stating yes they had made a mistake, but unfortunately because its been over a year or something stupid...they can't reactivate them. Now...I said: "Okay, oh well what can you do, and restart over." Well before I use to restock to make my money, I actually considered myself a good restocker being able to acquire and restock UB frequently. Now that I've come back and try to do so...it is simply impossible. I will not stop refreshing in a shop until it restocks and I immediately go to whatever it is...and then I haggle and I get this thing called 'pet lag'...what they call it on the boards. This...happens...everytime. I am seriously getting irked about it~ So, being a frequent lurker of the restocking boards on Neopets I see that people talk about 'blocking junk items' and things like that to restock. So my question is...how exactly do you go about doing that? And can you get frozen for doing that, and if so how would you prevent it. I don't want to use an autobuyer...because I'm sure that would definitely get you frozen sooner or later. Any explanation/help would be great
well for starters you can block out adverts with adblock then you can get greasemonkey and there is a script somewhere which automatically haggles for you but just read this it should help neopets-information-f82/the-complete-rsing-guide-t7718.html?hilit=adblock%20guide
Thanks for that Is blocking the items though trackable and freezable? Because when you really think about it why would it be 'illegal' to block an image =/...you still have to click and buy the good stuff /shrug
i am not sure but i THINK it is against the rules but not very detectable. You can use adblock to do this when if you use firefox anyway... just right click on the image and click adblock image
Is there anyway to hide that your blocking the image? Like with cookies or w/e? Just trying to figure out how they'd detect it before I risk my account
i have no idea 0_o you could try using a proxy but i dont know if that would work 0_o i am really not the person to ask lol
Good question, its a common question asked by many people Adblock looks at the source code of the page, and sees if it should block anything. If it seems something, it will stop the browser from loading that image. The only way for catching you doing this is for them to see if you had loaded every item image. So though its possible to track this, its extremely unlikely that they do this. So no, there's no way to hide your tracks if you use Adblock. I'm sure there are many other image blocking Firefox extensions that don't prevent the browser from loading the image, but merely stops the browser from displaying them (which would be untracable). No, I don't know any of these off the top of my head =/
thanx Zero i really want sure of the freezing chances etc on doing this. So hey you learns something new every day
I'm not sure of the actual freezing rates of doing this, but maybe this will give you a little peace of mind; I've been blocking the images for around 9 months now on my MAIN account and nothing has ever happened to me. That being said, I still do miss items off and on -- blocking them isn't a 100% way of getting anything, but it sure makes it a lot easier.
Lol, anything that gives you an edge is against the rules, but it is your decision how you break the rules to make money. The more you break the rules, most likely, that makes more money but basically signs your account up for review and the cold treatment.
It's against the rules, yes. But, and correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't AdBlock just keep images from actually showing in Firefox? The images still load and use bandwidth, they just don't show up in Firefox, right? And, even if you were iced, I can't imagine it would be hard to get your account back arguing that you are on a slow internet connection and that certain images/items load before others... I say give it a try... :yup:
Which images did you block? All images or only the ads? Because it goes a LOT faster when you block all images..
*corrects* The images really don't load or use bandwidth. You can get the pages on neopets to load a LOT faster if you don't download all of the images. And because of the fact that the images really aren't downloaded, if TNT wants to check, they can. People /have/ been frozen for using adblock. It's very very very very rare, but it does happen. I used it for about a year without getting iced, made about 30-40 mil restocking.
I have stopped restocking ever since I knew autobuyers exist and it is useless you can't win Sorry for hearing you got your accounts frozen
To answer your question Resu, I have Premium so I don't see ads to begin with. I block all of the non-profit items in the shops, tis all.