Is it more common to get frozen AB or transfering? Obviously its hard to pin-point but a ball park figure would be helpful (eg. if you ab for a week without freezing then a day after a transfer you got nailed I'd say the transfer was the problem, but if you were frozen before you could transfer obviously the ABing was the problem). I'm feeling its the transfers that get you iced but I've never been iced (yet.. knock on wood) gonna maybe do some biggish transfers soon g-bomb-ish so some opinions would be nice
ABing - I've never gotten frozen for transferring. I always mastered the technique for that...always use shop, it's the most efficient and safest
ABInG something unbuyable and transfering. Either way it's dangerous. NEVER transfer an unbuyable through trades. NEVER keep an Unbuyable in inventory unless you wanna get frozen. and NEVER try any method of transfering in weekends. TNT are the most cautious those days.