Question regarding being chain iced and stuff.

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by WildSnorlax, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Alberta, Canada
    Yeah so maybe some people already know from the spam corner.

    Go and read about my situation. So anyhow, the thing is, I was guessing passwords for my old accounts that I left and rot for months and months and now they're very old, and I also made some new accounts and left it there. The thing is, when they review my score {and it's honestly been 4 days since Monday and i'm sure TNT's also been working these past few days} I am SURE that I will get chain iced. I am kind of scared, because I want to keep one of my noob accounts and the one that is quite old.

    Game Name Highest Score Ranking
    Advert Attack 824 Points Grand Master
    Chia Bomber 2 1,505 Points Grand Master
    Dubloon Disaster 2,530 Points Novice (advance at 3026)
    Faerie Bubbles 2,439 Points Grand Master
    Kass Basher 959 Points Grand Master
    NeoBoard Avatar Collector 109 Points Beginner
    Shapeshifter 5 Points Amateur (advance at 8)
    Sutek's Tomb 2,093 Points Beginner (advance at 9589)
    The Buzzer Game 315 Points Grand Master

    Those are some of my unlegit game scores sure to be caught. Just want to show everyone to confirm so I know they WILL be reviewed.

    I was wondering how I can do that now if I want to keep those two accounts? Since my IP appears on all the accounts. if I logged onto the accounts I want to keep with a different IP, will they still chain freeze it JUST because my home's dynamic IP is recorded into my account status or whatever?

    I also bought a plushie today and i'm scared to use the key quest code because it'll be pointless if I get iced..
  2. FunnyMonkey

    FunnyMonkey Level I

    Oct 9, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Re: There might be more to the new login than we think.

    How long were you using the programs for?
    I've been using Igloo AB on 3 accounts for about a week, nothing has happened yet. I agree, it's probably the spiderer.
  3. Parisdirt1

    Parisdirt1 Level III

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Re: There might be more to the new login than we think.

    Well I don't use the spiderers anymore, but I do use Igloo and have been fine since I've had it. I'm with you that it is probably the spiderer. Most the spiderers on this site are pretty old, though they still work, who knows if they were updated since the new Login Screen.

  4. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    Re: There might be more to the new login than we think.

    Yeah. I left both of them on all day when I went to school. So yeah stupid move. I moved this topic onto the "I got iced thread" So sorry if you guys look stupid replying about this updated topic of mine.

    Ah that explains it. Thanks for the info. So I guess it's not the iglooAB.
  5. FunnyMonkey

    FunnyMonkey Level I

    Oct 9, 2008
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    So, you're worried that your 3 day old account with trophies will be iced and your Old account you want to keep will be chain iced too?
    If that's the case, it seems they haven't noticed yet because it has been 4 days, so maybe you could self-freeze the 3 day account and hope they don't catch the old one either.
    Or you can hope they don't catch you at all. But I would rather loose the 3 day account than both of them.
    Maybe I misread it...
  6. mjnskivt

    mjnskivt Level III

    Aug 9, 2008
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    right behind you
    If you got that many scores reviewed then you should definitely be prepared to be iced. If you want to avoid being chain iced, DO NOT TOUCH those accounts you want to keep. The chances that they'll survive are slim, but it is possible.
    As for TNTs delay in icing you, they might be waiting to see if you have other accounts, so once again, DO NOT TOUCH those accounts.
    Good luck! :)
  7. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Alberta, Canada
    Okay well here let me try to explain I guess. The account I used artmoney on, is a main with a good username. Which is the only reason why I sort of didn't want it gone. But I was already prepared for that to get iced. Now here's the thing. I didn't get the trophies yet. So i'm extremely worried that it's taking them so long to ice me.

    But on my birthday {yesterday} I made an account with the name october14th, and it's significant to me so I don't want that to get chain iced, along with the 28 month old account I have.

    The main I am getting trophies on though, lets assume that I don't want to self ice {Which I probably will} is there a way to keep the accounts I want to keep and just trick TNT into thinking that's the only account I have?

    It's a little late now >< I logged on to both of them {One because I had to create it and two is because I didn't except to remember the password and get in the other account}

    What i'm trying to get at is, so my two accounts are almost guaranteed a goner as well even if I log into it with a different IP? I mean as soon as my IP is on an account, it will be frozened?

    EDIT: I self froze my account. I am still sort of scared. Will they be able to continue to track me through my other accounts?
  8. FunnyMonkey

    FunnyMonkey Level I

    Oct 9, 2008
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    Which did you self-ice? The young account?
    Many users self-freeze to stop TNT from tracking ABing, and it seems to work, so I assume it would work in this instance too.
    I don't know much about them tracking IP's though.
  9. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Alberta, Canada
    Yep. I self froze the one with the crazy trophy scores :) I hope i'm safer now x_x

    Sorry for this question though; If I get artmoney avatars, and not get a trophy score, can they still review my score and check up on it?
  10. FunnyMonkey

    FunnyMonkey Level I

    Oct 9, 2008
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    Hmm...maybe if you made it look more legit, like getting avatars over a period of time, TNT probably won't be flagged to your account.
    It's all relative though. Artmoney seems relatively safe as long as you watch and don't draw attention to yourself.