Quiting...have you thought about it?

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by rarehunternick, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. rarehunternick

    rarehunternick Level II

    Mar 18, 2007
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    How many of you guys have actually thought about quitting? I mean, I'm thinking of quitting because TNT hasn't done a Plot and if I don't see on in Januaray, or before the AC4, then I'm gonna quit after the AC4 is over
  2. candcain

    candcain Level II

    Nov 2, 2008
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    I thought about it when the bank went down for like two weeks that one time. All my neopoints were in the bank...Even when it got back up I didn't really want to play anymore.
  3. rarehunternick

    rarehunternick Level II

    Mar 18, 2007
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    i'm starting to get that feeling as well. Nothing exciting is happening on Neopets. I mean, they only care about Keyquest, Petpet Park, NC Mall, merchandise, and Sponsor games. Its quite sad to see something fun, turned into a campaign for just money. I mean, the last plot held was almost a year ago. The Return of Dr. Sloth that is. It was an ok plot, but it ended way too soon. I don't know...i'm just fed up with Neopets now. No new battledome challengers, bd hasn't changed, DoN 2 seems to be done with, inflation is out of control, TNT doesn't even relate to us anymore, Editorial is trash, news is trash, they keep updating games that don't need to be updated, avvies seem to be done with
  4. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    lol, I stopped playing years ago right after it was sold to Viacom.
  5. invaderzimmeh

    invaderzimmeh Level I

    Oct 22, 2008
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    I've tried quitting multiple times.

    I've been on and off for 7 years now, and the longest I've 'quit' for was 6 months, which happened to be right after they sold.
  6. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    Is there usually more than one plot per year? Geez guys...come on, give em a break. KeyQuest is sick :)
  7. invaderzimmeh

    invaderzimmeh Level I

    Oct 22, 2008
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    But when you're using a computer that can't run keyquest in any way, you consider quitting a little more seriously :p
  8. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    Yeah...it runs really slowly on my computer, and makes it want to explode...I always lose at all of the mini games since I lag too much :/ but it's all good...I still win more often than I lose...hopefully they'll fix things up
  9. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    Honestly, as much as the joy of running programs to do the work for us, I honestly can't find myself on.
    As a player for nearly 7 years myself, Adam did a lot more for neopets.
    Taking out the development of avatars were the worst they can ever do. I was there since the new neopets boards, and the first few avatars that came out was just as exciting to me than anyone else. I didn't like it one bit now.
    Not to mention, Newbie Chat was where I chatted. There were no noobs there at all, and it consisted of civilization among pretty mature people. Because there are barely new people all of us became friends. Then they removed the GC {That we assume will no longer come back} and yeah the NC kinda vanished, and some of us don't have other means of contacting each other.

    Yeah when I joined this forum I Was psyched about neopets after quitting for a good 2 years. Through this time I started to play again which is like a few months since, I went on everyday but after checking my till, doing dailies, staring at the pets, I don't do much. Not even buy things. The good items inflated so much to the point, what is a good few mills of neopoints right? What is a few mill guna do you now? Back then a few mills was like "omfg I can go on a shopping spree" but now it's honestly just nothing to me. Better than nothing, but still..

    I guess someone mentioned above since I skimmed, they focus on things like keyquest, which no one is interested in the actual games. Just the items. It lags like crazy, and they focus SO much on merchandise now.

    I think everyone mainly quit because it's not what it used to be? When neopets first became a hit, it was great because it's like we're improving as players WITH neopets itself. I got hooked because one I was a kid, and two I had nothing better to do since I just moved back to Canada and barely spoke english with little friends. I honestly don't find myself liking the many new things on the site to get involved. I really miss the old neopets and whenever I talk to my old neofriends, all there would be is talks of old neopets, never the new.

    I have thought about quitting and heck right now I wouldn't even say i'm playing much. I just do dailies and run AB. But I would certainly be here for the fall of neopets. Adult players will eventually get bored. If even better they might get a life. Kids from the newer generation can care less about stupid things like an online webpage interactive site. They all try to act grown up anyways.

    Not to mention..do you honestly know what sorta things neopets draws me into? Their PLUSHIES. And not all of it. Just a few selective ones that I bought and will buy if more comes up that appeals to me. Because well..I like stuffed animals >_>

    I've lost hope in that game. The most I quit is about 2 years. But eventually i'll quit and be able to never come back. Maybe not. Who knows. But for now, I enjoy being a lamer on neopets :yup:
  10. rarehunternick

    rarehunternick Level II

    Mar 18, 2007
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    "I've lost hope in that game. The most I quit is about 2 years. But eventually i'll quit and be able to never come back. Maybe not. Who knows. But for now, I enjoy being a lamer on neopets"

    couldn't agree anymore. That's why i'm considering to quit after AC4. If the trend is correct, Krawk Island will take 1st place. But who knows ;) I'm just getting a little bored as well. Clicking on images waiting for something amazing to stock, and nothing ever does. This who year of no plots sucks and if the current trend continues:

    March: Daily Dare
    June- August: Altador Cup
    November: Game Master Challenge

    The same events going on with little hope for a plot during December- February or September- October/Early November, which we have yet to see. I think the old TNT is gone and TVT is now taking full control only caring about profits.
  11. rarehunternick

    rarehunternick Level II

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Used to be about 2 plots a year, but now its been dead.

    BTW: For those that 'have' asked me to have my account if I quit, hate to say this, but NO ONE will get my account.
  12. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    Also I Want to note people that petpet park wasn't a plot. Therefore, we haven't had a real REAL plot..the ones like curse of maraquan...the cyrodrake gaze was one..but I wasn't there for, and then the return of dr. sloth. They were all very fun. Also the war between meridell and darigan...those are the stuff that I really loved..

    But still. They better have something planned...making leaking at LEAST a sign of hope would be nice TNT..
  13. invaderzimmeh

    invaderzimmeh Level I

    Oct 22, 2008
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    If you quit, just self-freeze. Easiest thing to do, and even though you might regret it, it might just be what you need to stay away.

    I remember when it was about 2 plots a year... I still think it's crazy that the Altador Plot is still open. I was proud of finally having a plot-related avatar, since I was always on hiatus when a new one would happen, and TNT is too lazy to close down the plot. Seriously, that's how it always used to be.

    Without new plots, it's just too... boring, to be honest.
  14. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    Self-freeze..ahh how I thought that worked. How back then when I had a lot of neofriends, self-freezing was a scare to them.
    But you know, I don't like to regret things. And even if I do, I can always unfreeze it so it's not permanent. I'd rather save the effort than to do extra things when I know i'd come back. I'd rather it happen naturally I guess. I quit I quit, if I wanna come back I don't want to make it like a chore :/
  15. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    Sounds to me like you guys are getting bored with neo because you don't have any particular goals...there's nothing you are really striving for...all you guys are doing is running progs and doing dailies, which is obviously not going to be enjoyable. That's part of the reason why I haven't gotten AU or the igloo ABer or anything else, even though I have enough cash for it. While having lots of np makes you feel more accomplished, it's not the same if you don't really work for it...and it certainly doesn't feel useful if you aren't even saving up for anything.

    The BD plots were certainly what kept me on neopets years ago, and it saddens me to hear that they don't do them often anymore...but I think you guys are just as much to blame as is TNT. Harsh.
  16. rarehunternick

    rarehunternick Level II

    Mar 18, 2007
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    excuse me, sir, but you have it very wrong. I'm a legit player. I have never used any of the programs here. So, to make that statement without any 'proof' that we use the programs, is very biased. I do have some goals. My goal is to get a 750 Hp, 500 Strength/Defense pet. I'm also working towards an SoS and a LEV for my battledome set. All the items I have stocked, are with legit neopoints. But why i say its boring is because you sit around clicking on the pets waiting for the items to stock. Sure, i chat with some people, but after a while...it gets really boring. Especially a site that hasn't introduced any new aspects to their site besides lame sponsor ads and games that may same fun for a while will eventually get boring.

    So, shame on you for making a bias assumption without any proof! >:)
  17. candcain

    candcain Level II

    Nov 2, 2008
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    I don't cheat, and I do have goals. The thing is, they are very lofty goals at the moment. I DO wish that we had a plot to break up the monotony. I'm kind of tired of the same old same old Gamesmaster and Altador Cup routine. Do you think they made those so that we don't get plots anymore? That would be aweful!
  18. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    Sorry, I just figured Moo was speaking on behalf of the average user here, and from my observations it looks like pretty much every older member here uses or has used AU, or igloo ABer, or wiz sniper, or auction sniper, or auto pricer, etc...

    I apologize, but again, it's still your fault for not switching things up. There are plenty of things to do on neo that don't involve RSing. Break free from the chains of wanting as much NP as possible and you might find some other things on the site that hold more of your interest...
  19. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    Is there a point to aim high? Eventually, not saying anytime soon, there is a risk of getting iced. No matter how careful you are. Heck look at the people who got iced for NO REASON.

    Not to mention, it's life, you grow up and tend to be more inattentive to stuff like neopets as you go along.

    But then again, I am just saying what I myself think of the fun on neopets. I am not really asking for open suggestions. As opposed to the fun I had BEFORE, as to now where I have so much more and crap. Do you get what I am saying? I didn't really want to BRING the fun back. I am just simply stating that I am not finding that fun anymore. Especially when I have programs now. I know that it's the fault of my own that i'm bored. Did I really say that i'm blaming it on neo?

    I don't see how quoting me and contradict me on my own OPINIONS on neopets is going to help me. I don't plan on sticking around having "fun" any time soon.

    Honestly i'm not ALL about programs you know? I haven't ran the AU or any other programs going into the second week now.

    And the topic did ask if i've thought about it, I gave in my thoughts, looked through others, and left. There's really no point in saying much. Whatever other people think isn't what you will always think. As opposed to improving the "fun" and "excitement" some people just don't want to give a shxt anymore.
  20. Liwi

    Liwi Level II

    Dec 11, 2008
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    I did quit for a few years after my 3 year old account got frozen after I got caught cheating on a flash game. I was like OMG all my hard work gone to waste because I wanted to cheat on one flash game :(