I like Subways because they did not have a nasty commercial with a hamster singing and making subs. Might try Quiznos later but for now, Subway is the only way.
I think I'd want quizznos for the fancy sammiches and subway for the simple ones.. but i haven't been to quizznos so im kinda guessing, just like everyone else, the sammiches on tv aren't as appettizing in person lol
Subway, they can be nice with the veggies. I had quiznos and it was very plain and they were selfish with the veggies.
I've never been to Quiznos, doubt there's Quiznos here anyways... I go to Subway for free meals with the coupon thing I get from work. C:
I've only ever been to Subway, and that creepy hamster potato thing in the Quiznos commercial is going to keep it that way.