alright. beings that i have no art programs on this computer and i'm growing very tired of my current signature and avatar combination (for multiple reasons, i assure you) i am wondering if anybody here is taking requests. i have an idea of what i want but, there is a lot of room for artistic touches. i would like something fancy. and i have an idea of what images (a general idea, not specific ones), font faces and colors i would like. please not that not everything i'm about it mention has to be used; they are more like options of what i am looking for. and i am quite eager to see what you can come up with. alright, onto the specifics. below is a list of items which i would like in the signature. remember, as stated above, not all of these need to be there. but it gives you some ideas to play with. the color pink would be nice. and perhaps grey if you could. those are my two favorite colors. black and white also work. my original concept revolved around cupcakes and stars however, i do appreciate a good argyle pattern. as far as font faces go, i would like something decorative but still readable. colored fonts are nice, as well; though i could go for a plain black or white font too. as for backgrounds, i would like it to be clean. and for size, i definitely want something bigger then what i have now. long and narrow are nice, but so are squarer ones. 500x100 seems to be a flattering size for a signature. when it comes to words, i like to keep things simple. my username will do nicely; though i am unsure as to position and size. definitely readable (otherwise what's the point) and my eyes seem to prefer the lower half of the sgnature; maybe to the right..? well, that just about covers everythings. i'm sure there is someone out there who can make a spectacular signature/avatar combination for me from those "guidelines". oh, there is one more thing. inregards to the avatar, i would prefer no words on that. just a simple "piece" of my signature will do nicely as an avatar. unless someone wants to 'go all out' on the avvie. which would be spectacular but, i am slightly more concerned with my signature.
I know this can be considered grave digging, but as this is a request and I just got the chance to see it and it's not that old, I've still made it. Following most of your details, I've made a siggy/av set that may match your needs. Don't be disapointed though, it was my first ever pixel signature made, and I still can't believe I did something this 'pinkish' x) Anyways, I've made 3 versions of the sig: And an av: Simple and cupcakish as you asked =) Hope you enjoy ^^
awe. thanks a bunch. i appreciate them and i will probably alternate between the signatures. once again, thanks a whole bunch. they're exactly what i was hoping for.