Race System

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by kittymeow, Sep 1, 2007.

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  1. kittymeow

    kittymeow Level II

    Jul 17, 2007
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    What I mean by race system is that when you are born you are later labeled as something depending where you are from. then no matter where you go you are that label, which is not a bad thing I suppose, but how you are dealt with can be different because of your label. you are looked upon a certain way and almost expected to be a certain way because others outside your label have their own ideas of what you stand for. Does it make you comfortable to fill out college, job applications and they ask for your label. I don't believe yor label has anything to do with your education or skills unless for skills you mean what your label has brought you up to be able to do. my pont is do ou believe that the race system is useful, degrading, a good thing. I say label because i do not believe in the whole "race" thing. I feel that if you arehuman then we are all the same. We will have different ways of doing things because of where we come from but shouldn't be labeled because of who we are becaus ethe label does not define the indivdual except with what the label is simialr to in appearance. even in crime the label is irrevelant becuase some labels looj similar to others. There are other re descriptive ways to describe a criminal and the label is not exactly the best way to catch a theif.
  2. junkant

    junkant Level III

    Aug 19, 2007
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    I like the way you used label.
    The problem is everyone stick to their kind way too much.
    I go to college and everywhere you look people with the same labels are in groups.
    Sure there are a few diverse groups but not many.

    Anyway, I dislike that you have to put your label on applications.
    I dislike affirmative action too.
    I think employers and so on need to hire people based on skill and knowledge, not race and creed.

    I disagree with you on the criminal labels.
    If they have evidence that a Giant Ant stole some honey, then they need to say it was a giant ant. Or if a Beetle robbed a calculator store, they need to label him as a beetle not something else.
    I hope I made sense, didn't want to use no real labels or anything to describe what I was talking about.
  3. kittymeow

    kittymeow Level II

    Jul 17, 2007
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    I get what you are saying but what I meant by criminal labels is that you can't just go by the label because that's just to many labels to look for. I understand the ant and beetle example but if we were to be literal then I wouldn't be able to tell one ant from the other. But if a ant with a blonde mohawk and ink on its chest tried to rob me then I got a description. the criminal label helps generalize but then you have to really pay attention to detail since its scars and distinct marks that catch a criminal, not the label.
  4. she_devil101

    she_devil101 Level IV

    Jun 18, 2007
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    I just wanted to say, that this is the BEST analogy ever.
  5. junkant

    junkant Level III

    Aug 19, 2007
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    I agree with you.
    I think I misunderstood you a bit in the first post.
    Yes the details are important, not just the label.
    They usually try to get a picture or sketch a close relation of how the criminal looks.

    Thank you ^_^
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