Well what do you think about it? Well the majority of you all will be against it, I mean I don't understand why people are rascist cos no matter what colour we all are, we're all human beings, anyway here's a little story on racism: And I know it's not only black people who are racially abused, nearly every ethnic group is, and I know this hasn't got anything to do with racism but, I don't really understand people, no animal kills the same species eg. a cat does not kill another cat, a dog does not kill another dog, yet us human beings do kill each other.
Every human is the same. No need to judge because of skin colour. Nice quote/story heard it before and it's good. But once again it strikes me, why when racism is said is it the "black people" being abused. White people get racially abused JUST as much yet everyone presumes its black people.. The big brother instance was good when Jackson called someone "white trash" and noone looked twice but jade said Shilpa poppadom and everyone goes crazy. Its idiotic :K
yeah dont mean to be be rude to black people it doesnt matter the way of there skin i have alot of colored Friend and there better then my not color friends
Huh my skin looks what? I've got a mix of different friends from different backgrounds eg. two of my closest friends are from very different places, ones from Morrocco in Africa and the other is from India. I hate racist jokes that are meant to be funny as well, I mean its racial discrimination which is unlawful
i agree with chilly. noone gives a rats arse if there is racism against "white" people. i think for the world to call itself truely against racism, they have to be equal to every race. which atm they aren't. especially in the UK. we do so much here for non-white people yet i see little done for white folk.
Yeah Humans are stupid and have seroius problems, racism keeps spreading cause we don't have the brains to back down, one person hurts someone else and then they are bent on passing it on, why not just pass on a smile rather than an insult! Lets start now =). Cool quote btw, yeah racism sucks
I hate human discrimination and racism but theres nothing we can do about it, I mean its life, some people are cruel and others aren't. And not to be racist, that was funny.
Its a strange thing to say, and hopefully someone will get it, but I think racism exists because we allow it to...
Actually, that's not true at all: pigs are quite violent and will kill other pigs, cats, dogs, rabbits, and mice will all kill their own young, and larger animals such as deer, bears, tigers, and lions will all fight (frequently to the death) over territory or mates. Knowing that, perhaps it's not so strange that people kill other people? :/
Most coloured people now adays say the "n" word constantly. That just advertises racism and makes every one else think its all right, but its not.
Black people are Allowed to be say the N word. Because they are referring to themselves. But when other people go N Plz! Thats so damn racist it hurts. >.> Why do we need to be racist, it has no point =( :cry:
It's a word. Saying that because someone isn't a certain color they aren't allowed to use the word IS racism. We have racism because we (as a whole) want to have it. It's constantly reinforced that minorities are "different" and "special" and all other sorts of crap. When minorities agree that they need to stop segregating themselves by demanding to be treated differently, then we can start to solve the problems of racism. I know it isn't all on one side, but I think people like to paint minorities as the "victim" because it's easier than telling them that they actually have to stop being racist themselves before anyone else can.