Alright this is how my hair looks currently : Notice the Mickey Mouse ear sorta thing at the front. Id like to remove it and make it a nice smooth curve. Don't want to book an appoinment with an Electrolysis Docter or whatever. Preferably with house-hold items if possible. Anyone know?
It's called a widow's peak. It's genetic. It's like asking how to remove your thumb, because you don't like having one.
Well... I would suggest if you were to get hair removed... Why not just get hair put on to fix that area? I have the same problem, but I try not to let it bother me... It is only hair.
Alas, tis genetic. If you really want to remove it I suggest lasers. The good kind. With sharks attached and stuff.
side part/side bangs win If you don't have long hair though,
loool I love my widow's peak. I always have to warn my barber to not shave it off when I get mah hair cut.