i just wanted to know if there was a way to remove 'Stealth' from the Last Spotted section in someones user lookup. i want to know if a user is active or not.. but i cant coz of the stealth thing.
Geeeze I hope not. I get bombarded with people asking for crap when they know I'm online. I wanna be all ninja like.
the whole point of stealth is that so people don't know you're online.. what would the point be of people being able to remove it?
Premium service is does not have anything to do with the NC mall. Premium is a 7.99/ month package that gives you a webmail account and access to some other features. Special boards, the Super Shop Wiz, ect. Not sure it's worth it, but I'm a creature of habit :maha:
As somebody suggested earlier, you must be a premium member. According to this, anyway: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 017AAxSMbu
Yeah... they also can see real-time if their neofriends are online! That's a pain if you have particularly pedantic Premium neofriends! "