Reputation points? What are those?

Discussion in 'Neofriends Help and Suggestions' started by Ariathell, Feb 19, 2009.

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  1. Ariathell

    Ariathell Newbie

    Feb 17, 2009
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    I want to know what they do, all I know is you can give them to people, and I don't know what they are, if they give you anything GIVE THEM TO ME!!! lol

    tsk tsk...asking for rep is against the rules - lazypando
  2. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA

    READ IT or you will most likely be FLAMED!

    Please read that guide before you do anything...also, please don't ask for rep. Begging usually will result in -rep. Here is the snippet about reputation from that guide if you are too lazy:


    The Reputation System

    The reputation is used to credit members for successful trades, contributions, and anything that you thought is helpful. On a member's profile, it will reveal the 5 last reputation feedbacks/comments you have received for anybody to see. Reputation is exactly what the word means in this forum. It tells you about the user's reputation around the forum: how helpful they are, how annoying they may be, how good of a guide-writer they are, all those things and more.


    Red or green blocks will appear next to a member's post showing their reputation information.

    Each Green Block = 25 reputation points
    Red Block = -1 or less reputation points

    Example: If you have 53 reputation points, you will have 2 blocks next to your post in your user info bar.

    There is a limit of 10 green blocks you can get although you can still keep getting reputation points.

    The System: How It Runs/Works

    Each user has a 'reputation power' which determines how much a member can give or take from another member's reputation.

    New members (you) start out with 0 rep power. You can get to 1 rep power by making 50 non-spam posts. From then on, you will gain a rep power only by every 400 posts or for each year you are on this site. NOTE: You may give/subtract another member "reputation" even though you have 0 rep power. This will implant your reputation comment on their profile, but you will not affect this member's reputation points.

    Click [​IMG] to add to member's reputation.
    Click [​IMG] to subtract to member's reputation.

    Example: If you have 1 reputation power, when you give a reputation feedback to another member, you will give them +1 reputation point. If you have 5 reputation power and give a rep feedback to another member, you will give them +5 reputation points.


    • You cannot give reputation feedback to another member twice in a row - you must wait until you give reputation to 5 other members before you can give reputation feedback to the same member again.

    • You must wait at least 6 hours between each reputation feedback you give to other members. This was implanted so that you give reputation only to the members that deserve it.

    These limitations do not apply to to Level Vs (5s), Moderators, or Administrators.

    Reputation Points vs. Reputation Power

    Many of you will be confused with the difference between reputation points and reputation power so I will compare them side-by-side.

    Reputation Points: You can only receive these from other members when you make a successful trade with them, contribute, or do something helpful.

    Reputation Power: This identifies how many reputation points that you can give to other members.​
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