Hey, if people are interested in designing my site, PM or Post, but first I need a logo. (favicon too?) Anyways, the logo should say: Filthy Gold Maybe add some cool slogan or something, but make sure it's cool! I might pay, buy it depends if I come across some funds (might get $36 soon). Thanks! Also looking for someone to design the site! Specs: It is a site selling WoW Gold Illegit. Some one have a cool slogan? Maybe a banner going across the top, and a smaller logo? Looking for something of this style: http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/7293/w ... hfinal.png http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7797/f ... ercons.png http://www.garysimon.net/images/logo_tut/25.gif http://i44.tinypic.com/s2tov8.png http://i44.tinypic.com/24otwnq.png Just that style. Not copies of it.
Would probably be good if you put some info about the site as well as what you require of the designer. Specs are always appreciated before taking on designing a site.