I will re suggest this o.o A program wich refresh a shop multiple times and when it restocks the program make an alert I used a program like this and made 5 mill legit buying, in 2 weeks, so its very useful o.o If anyone is interested on making this @-@ And on other suggestion, i would like a greasemonkey script who auto haggle o.o, if is possible to make one who play neggsweper i think an auto haggler is possible. Well that is all, bye
i basically have a scar script which will restock alert and it even goes to the buying page it would be a pharm aber but the buying process is bugging me
but i mean a program that allow you to navigate in neopets o,o the program that i used was a VB one which login with proxy, then you select the shop it starts to refresh, and refresh until more items appear, when more items appear it said me to go to the shop, and i go as fast as i can and buy all good thing :3 a really good program o,o , i think we should have one here
problem is, by that time of the alert + getting their = any UB gone. so uve lost the hcance only usefl for pharm /items with 10+ stock
All say that, but is not true o.o, i have got lots of UBs using that, i have screens but i will not say my petpage x3 is as easy as you have the shop open, then the alert alert you to go, you go and simply refresh, and if you put like a 2 second rate, you can see the good things o.o
I could make one which may even use your cookie form your web browser and when the item goes into the shop it will open up your default browser
but that could get me RS banned D: but it sounds good anyway o.o, but i use opera for RS because i have the images blocked @@ duh, this is for legit rs o_o
Uh, isn't the freezing because of auto refreshing. well u may be right, it might be cuz of how long you've been online restocking
i used a restock alerter with proxys on side accounts and it worked ok and im not frozen, the side accounts are not frozen o.o
I would definitely use this... I've always wanted to be better at legit restocking, but I just don't have the patience to sit and refresh like a zombie until something shows up.
The problem with this is that it will still look like you are using an aber so theres not really much point in having one.
Yea thatd be pretty neat. It could actually be easier to RS legitly. Well, kinda legit anyway. It kills me to refresh again and again and again, just to see a junk restock.