Maybe we could make a Neofriends mall on Neopets, and discuss it on here? I would love to run this, but I am broke on Neopet's at the moment. I could gather a group of people and with our get-rich-fast skillz, and Mall Manager, we could OWN the market! So, how does it sound?
I know right, I was going to sleep, and thinking about how a guild would get us all frozen, but we could be like kings, and get a 4,000,000 Notice and everything, and the best part is when someone is assigned to a shop, they could AB in it, and no one is linked because all IPs and info are different! We also have peple who could make great mall graphics and smart people to put links in them!
Sounds like a plan.. all I need to do is get 175 total cash so I can get that main shop ABer and Im all for it!
Well, this is a lot better than the guild idea imo. However, I hate to sound like a worry wart(that sounds really lame >.>) but there are still a lot of things that could go wrong with this as well. 1) Say a couple of members of the mall get frozen for ABing and TNT decided to investigate the rest of the members. 2) A lot of people won't like the idea of being restricted to one type of item to sell in there shop, especially since a few item types are hts. You will most likely have tons of people wanting certain types and no one wanting others. Favoritism will likely come into play and it will end up not being a very well rounded mall. 3) As far as I know, there is still something wrong with the MSAB so everyone will need to get zer0s ABer or AU. I would say the best idea is to keep neofriends seperate from neopets, though I cannot completely say I wouldn't join if enough people got together. And I am willing to code the image map(what is used to link to the different shops on the one image).
This is no doubt a much safer suggestion than a Neofriends guild, but its still very risky. How would it look to TNT if 5 members in the mall get iced for ABing? Its better just for us to join malls independently, with the majority of the members of the mall legit. Maybe members can *concidentally* join the same mall to create a similar, but much safer, effect.
yeah, its good and all in some ways, but i'm worried about getting iced cause of someone elses mistake. though i might be willing to take the risk.
We're hackers.. we take a risk already.. and you have to admit.. the more dangerous/risky.. the more fun it is.. so why dont we increase the chances!
Risky, and even if they don't ice the entire mall, icing a few members would hurt the mall b/c the mall would then have to find new members, who would have to take time to stock their shop, etc. Plus, are new malls even that profitable now that they took away the old link? I agree with someone's assessment to keep nf away from np.
real hackers would stay quiet at all times to enjoy him/her moneys instead of getting fame for time being than got frozen.
i dont think its that bad of an idea getting enough ppl to agree to mod run mall would be hard with chance of iced
And by having a NF mall, you'd be able to very easily control what we decide to inflate. TNT may look at someone hoarding 50 Snicklebeats and nothing else, but a mall of hundreds of items? Of course the mall would mass-stock something like that, and they'd look away. At least, that's my thought.