Okay, I got a reviewed for a game, it's happened before, no big deal. I don't remember if they neomail you that it's been accepted. I could have sworn they did. I'm on the high scores table. I thought you didn't get put on the hs table until your score was accepted. Am I missing something here?
You will automatically be put on the highscores as soon as you send the score, but if they review it then you will most likely be iced and taken off the highscores =]
I'm just paranoid. I don't know. Thanks, guys! Edit: I just refreshed on neopets, and got all excited. But it was just to say I won the mystery pic competition. -_-
i got 2nd place for carnival of terror LEGITMATELY.... but i was still iced for it maybe they saw that my ip address has cheated in the past or something