Hello everybody! This is my ACIII predictions board between the battle of the best: KI & RI. Post your predictions in this format: YYB: RI/KI/D SS: RI/KI/D MSN: RI/KI/D (Roo Island, Krawk Island, Draw) (Yooyuball, Slushie Slinger, Make Some Noise) First person to post the right results(we'll find out on sunday) I will +rep. Second person and beyond get a boost of self esteem I guess. :lol: ~~ For the poll, if the option with most votes(includes ties of 3 options or less) comes true, I will give away a snickle via the daily give away thing.
Re: Roo Island vs. Krawk Island : Predictions? YYB: KI SS: KI MSN: KI and thats coming from a rooligan
Re: Roo Island vs. Krawk Island : Predictions? -REP!!!!!!! > > > (Just kidding lol) But do you really think KI is going to sweep us? (im ri myself)
Re: Roo Island vs. Krawk Island : Predictions? Krakw Island is going to win on everything There are too many children loving pirates (specially after the movie with Johnny Depp)... So it's easy: YYB: RI SS: RI MSN: RI
Re: Roo Island vs. Krawk Island : Predictions? Ha Krawk Island finally going to win! Wouldn't it be groovey if they gave out paint brushes!!!!! Talk about investment ops. I'm even actually playing this silly game this year, even past the avatar need B)
Re: Roo Island vs. Krawk Island : Predictions? Gosh Didn't think to PB! Would be interesting if Roo Island will win the cup... They'll release a new PB? lol
Re: Roo Island vs. Krawk Island : Predictions? YYB - Ri SS - Ki MSN - D I was closest xD Ri pwned you all!" mwuahahahaha
Re: Roo Island vs. Krawk Island : Predictions? KI ftw. The underdog. All its players are going nuts after seeing how well there going, thus making them try harder. And it doesent have the dead weight of leechers.
Re: Roo Island vs. Krawk Island : Predictions? No one was correct lol, thought somebody would get it...not even a single correct poll vote. ;o
Who would have thought it, a win apiece and a draw. I guess yooyuball is the most important though Im KI all the way