Rider's Helpful Links! Instructions For all of them, basically just click the link and they sould do there job -For the avatar grabber, refresh it one time after it loads because sometimes it misses one or two -For the random avatar grabber, after it finishes loading, refresh and repeat the process until you get the avatar -For the dailies just click and let it load -For the refresher, it's up to you how many times you want to reload it (NOTE : You won't always get RE'S & Faerie Quests, it takes awhile). -For the bd refreshers, let it load and refresh, repeast process until you get the opponent as a challenger Avatar Grabber Yup just click on the link, sit back and relax! Better to refresh it one more time after done! So Far Gets : 87 Avatars (If u do it at 10 : 00 PM - 5 :00 AM). This may need some updating, so please tell me which ones need to be fixed http://www.freewebs.com/tnp-mikie/Avatar Grabber.htm Randon Avatar Grabber You know the three avatars, you have to spend hours refreshing on, no need! Avatars: May have to refresh awhile for Doomed avatar, i get the other 2 usually on first try! http://www.freewebs.com/tnp-mikie/Random Avatars.htm Daily Doer Yeah does the basic dailes! http://www.freewebs.com/tnp-mikie/Auto Dailies.htm Refresher Yup it refreshes on random Terror Mountain pages! Usually gets me neggs, pb's, and faerie quests! http://www.freewebs.com/tnp-mikie/Terror Mountain Refresher.htm Battledome Refreshers Commander Garoo Difficulty/HP : 120 Lab Ray Scientist Difficulty/HP : 185 (Must already have the lab complete) Meerca Henchmen Difficulty/HP : 150 Snow Beast Difficulty/HP : 300 ©All made by me!
Ive Auto-Refreshed the refresher all night long, ive done it a couple of time. All the other refreshers sholdn't take long
If you're on FireFox, you can always just download ReloadEvery, go to Custom and set it to however long you like (for example, I use 1 second), then just enable pages you want to refresh on and leave it open. It ended up taking me less than 20 minutes to get the Game Graveyard avatar from that. =D
this way is more detectable. Because reloadevery, refreshes a certain amount of seconds. let's say it's like 5 seconds. Then it actually refreshes every seconds. And if you were doing it, you couldnt possible be refreshing exactley 5 seconds. I got frozen for using the reloadevery, do not use it unless you are sure you know what you are doing.
am I the only one that has no idea how this works? o0 I just see pictures that doesn't work on those links .____. EDIT: I have NO idea how this worked.. but it did o0 THANKS <3
ah - nice! +repped you! how many avvies is there? because I got 86 nomatter how many times I refreshed.
Haha, I liked it better not underlined. Thanks for the links, I got the three avatars (Help, Rorru, and MGoD). You might want to take out the TNP banner xD
This is really good got me a couple of avatars i've spent ages refreshing for, and one clickable i missed
UPDATED -Took off the link to the other forum -Updated all the avatar links (Should now get 87) -Randomized the order of the avatars =D