Last night I was checking some legit restock videos at youtube and found many videos were people restocked at 2 or even 3 shops at the same time. I have always abbed with AU in only one shop, and up to date (cross finger) was never banned (using AU). I have very legit buying times, from 2,5s to 3s, missed some items, abbed others, but always seems to be a legit player restocking I was wondering if I could start abbing at 2 shops at the same time (AU has that option) and if it is high risky or not to get banned. Consider that i wont change my buying times. What do you think? THX
I have had no problem restocking with 2-3 shops. After all, a real person can have three separate windows open and refreshing until a restock is noticed in one of the windows. The only risk, in my opinion, is if you space the refreshing too close together. You will get restock banned 3 times easier if you use the same refresh rate.
The only time I've been RS banned is when I ABed in multiple shops. Take this with a grain of salt though, because I've only been ABing for a week.
Like everyone above me said, you will have a higher chance of getting RS banned. Also don't set your refresh times between the shops too low and everything will be fine.
I restock in 3 shops but I used to only in 1. I noticed once I started in 3 I seem to have seen less AB`s and bought less items. Personally I like sticking with 1 shop. Unless it is half price day of course.
in my experience so far, I've been doing fine with just 1 shop. The moment i went to 3 shops, i got rs banned that day
Im doing it with 1 shop at the moment, but i have been doing it with 3 before, there's no risk, just getting rs banned faster.
If you RS in multiple shops you will definitely get RS banned earlier. Also, if your account is fresh (mine is just a few days old), I think you get RS banned quicker (Rsed in two shops for perhaps 15 min and got a ban in my face). Spacing between the shop refreshes will be key here - if you keep that humanized, I think you will likely be alright.
On my old account I only ever did 1 shop at a time with the ABer, but with my new account I decided to try 2 shops and was banned super quick. Not sure if it was the fact it was a new account or that i was in 2 shops at once.
I think the age of your account counts too. New accounts (lets say, one just a week old) get RS banned faster than older ones as far as Ive experienced.
Same as everything an what people have said. As long as you look like a real person you will be fine. Think about the refresh times!
I generally run it in 2 shops at the same time. Then again Im aiming to get avatar only items in one of them.