Ritalin. Should it be prescribed to young children??

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Sorandra, Jan 13, 2007.


Should doctors prescribe Ritalin to young children (10 and under)?

  1. No! It's a babysitter drug! There are better options!

    7 vote(s)
  2. Sure! There's no harm in it.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Undecided. (Please post opinion!)

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Sorandra

    Sorandra Level III

    Jan 7, 2007
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    Oklahoma/Georgia Traveller
    Go to the link above for more information on the drug, Ritalin.

    Personally, I believe that Ritalin is a mind-altering drug, and should not be prescribed to children because their brains are still under heavy development/growth.

    As a child, I was placed on ritalin because I was diagnosed with ADHD. However, I had STRAIT A's. The only problem was that I was active - very active. I talked and moved around a lot. I was very "hyper". I wanted to run, play outside, and be loud. My grandmother raised me, so going outside and playing wasn't something she liked me to do. She was older, and didn't want to deal with my energy and keeping up with me.... I was 6 years old.

    Despited being hyper and a problem in class due to it, I was tested and placed in two separate programs for gifted children. My instructors in both programs suggested and after-school program, such as martial arts, dance classes, or a children's sport. I also picked up the violin at a very young age, and excelled with the instrument.

    Instead of putting me into an after-school sport or other extra curricular activity to eat up some of that spare energy (my grandmother and family didn't feel like putting in the energy to drive me anywhere or pay any money) , I was placed on the drug Ritalin (which was just as expensive, it turns out).

    Much to the dismay of my gifted and orchestra instructors.... they went unheard when the decision was made.

    Over the course of the next three years, I lost my desire to go outside and play. I was always tired, I never wanted to do anything but sleep, and my grades dropped to C, which I struggled to keep myself awake to obtain. I developed very painful migraines that I still have to this day, 17 years later.

    A few years into taking the drug, right after my 8th birthday, I got tired of feeling like crap. At 8 years old, I put 2 and 2 together where my parents did not, and accused the drug I was taking of making me feel sick and tired all the time. I began to despise Ritalin.

    So, I fought not to take it. At first, I hid it in my mouth and spit it out later. And I already felt better just after a few days of not taking the drug. My parents, of course, caught on to this, and MADE me swallow the pills. So, I learned to force myself to vomit, which posed more of a problem. I was punished for this with restriction and ... the belt (many of you know what the belt is.. heh).

    They did not listen to me.

    It didn't stop me much. I went to great lengths not to take the medication, until my parents finally relented.

    And I felt better. MUCH better. The migraines weren't there constantly, bright outdoor light didn't bother me as much, and I had the energy to get up out of bed in the morning without being yelled at or forcing myself. I even had the energy to go places with friends after school, and thus I became more socially acceptable.

    My grades rose back to A's, and I scored multiple scholarships in High School.

    So, in my opinion, Ritalin is used far too often as a babysitter drug, and should not be prescribed to young children. I missed out on a lot of after-school activities and social development as a child. I also feel that my mental growth might have been affected by the drug, though I have no apparent handicap when it comes to thinking.

    I can't help but think that my case isn't the only one. I can't help but think there are children out there who are extremely mentally advanced, but will be forced onto this drug for many years, when they could be advanced forward by grades and mentally stimulated. They could be geniuses!

    This has been a very personal topic, but I will hold no opinions against anyone. It's simply a story I tell to anyone considering putting their child on Ritalin, and anyone interested. By no means am I handicapped... I just feel that I was robbed of part of my childhood, and possibly part of my mental capacity.

    Opinions welcomed. ^_^
  2. chelsea1

    chelsea1 Level IV

    Nov 26, 2006
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    that post touched me depely and i felt very sad for you
    however it would have been a lot worse had you not risen back up to your original standards

    after reading this i agree with you although i think it should still be prescribed if absolutely necessary ON A SHORT TERM BASIS ONLY as it didn't seem to affect your intelligense, just hide it but i hear what you are saying
  3. zer0ordi3yo

    zer0ordi3yo Level IV

    Dec 17, 2006
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    AZ represent
    Grades don't even matter in elementary...
  4. Sorandra

    Sorandra Level III

    Jan 7, 2007
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    Oklahoma/Georgia Traveller
    You shouldn't feel sad for me. I effectively got off of that drug... and I'm very sure that I saved myself a lot of anguish by doing so.

    It's just really unfortunate... the doctors you have to go see for this include a psychiatrist. Mine didn't listen to me, but told me that I had too much energy and many behavioral problems (which I really didn't). :(

    I'm completely normal today. I have my quirks, but everyone does. Anyhow, I'm a career artist, and quirks are expected of me. LOL.

    I just worry that drugs like these are still on the market and abused.

    One of the main problems is that teachers are labeling kids ADD/ADD+H just so they won't have to deal with an energetic child.

    Another problem is that chilren arent TESTED for anything before being diagnosed. They symptoms (lacking attention, hyperactivity) are there, but it's rare that anyone cares to test to see if perhaps these symptoms are caused by something else. They're quick to say "ADHD" and toss out the ritalin. Pharmaceudical companies make millions just like that.

    Myself, I have a history of diabetes in my family. I was never tested back then to see if my mineral or sugar values were off, and either of those can cause such symptoms... I was just thrown on ritalin. :( As are many children.

    Statistical stuff.....

    http://www.hyperactivekids.com/quicklin ... talin.html

    BRAIN ACTIVITY? HELLO! That's some pretty high brain activity. Why would you want to HALT such brain activity with a drug?????


    This article tells why the public school system pushes for Ritalin diagnosis.


    And on top of it all, in laboratory studies, Ritalin has been proven to cause cancer in laboratory tests. I also have a VERY lengthy history of cancer in my family... like THIS has been any help. :(
  5. h4x0r

    h4x0r Level II

    Jan 6, 2007
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    omg, I'm so sorry your parents did that to you. I completely agree with you, now seeing someone who has actually had the effects of the drug. Based on that, you shouldn't be prescribed it unless absolutely necessary just like posted above because the effects of it as you mentioned in your topic post can be devastating....migranes suck.
  6. Sorandra

    Sorandra Level III

    Jan 7, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Oklahoma/Georgia Traveller
    It doesn't effect ALL children like it did me in early stages. Many chidren respond better than I did, and do have an increase in attention and are less hyper.

    But that's all in appearance alone, I believe. It still is a mind-altering drug, which can be devastating to any growing child.

    They say that if you teach a foreign language to a young child, they grasp it better than if you start in high school or later. It's true simply because of the child's mind, how it's growing and so easily influenced. It's actually a very fragile thing.

    But the statistics posted above, where it's been proven to cause cancer and the rate of drug abuse later in life is heightened... that's all true for the vast majority of children on it.

    Again, this is just how I feel.
    And I feel better if you guys know some of this before you have children or before you consider this option for your children. :)
  7. X Joe Kickass X

    X Joe Kickass X Level IV

    Nov 18, 2006
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    Behind You
    Wow, I never thought of it that way.

    I was going to say yes, but I decided to read your story and just, WOW.

    Never, EVER should kids be placed on ritalan (sp?).

    You missed out on a lot and that sucks
  8. micorazonesazul

    micorazonesazul Level III

    Jan 1, 2007
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    Wow...your story is amazing.
    It's like something you see on the news or something.
    I was going to say No before...and now, I'm going to say NEVER.
    No child should even have to experience such things...
  9. Sorandra

    Sorandra Level III

    Jan 7, 2007
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    Oklahoma/Georgia Traveller
    That's what happens when the educational system abandons you and your parents decide not to listen. :(

    Thanks for reading guys, it means a lot. :)
  10. Avandia

    Avandia Level III

    Dec 22, 2006
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    Nah, just give them crack.. ;o

    What education system?
  11. Sorandra

    Sorandra Level III

    Jan 7, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Oklahoma/Georgia Traveller
    Might as well. Either one is just as bad as the other.
    And there are a FEW good teachers out there. At least I only encountered a few... but I was in Georgia. They're ranked like, what? 49th out of the 50 states in education.

    Yeah. A lot of kids there get pretty screwed in my opinion.
  12. baldudexx

    baldudexx Level III

    Dec 26, 2006
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    In your house
    No, it makes kids go like UBER hyper dude, so I'm voting no because it is harmful and distracts them from work or lessons and they usually grow up addicted to it and may get an ASBO because of it. :eek:
  13. Zapno

    Zapno Level II

    Nov 16, 2006
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    I voted no because drugs should not be prescribed. They should be available to anyone who wants to buy them, and it is wrong for parents/doctors to decide for a kid that they should take/not take something.
  14. Avandia

    Avandia Level III

    Dec 22, 2006
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    I don't think they're ranked that low.. ;o .. but that would explain a lot.. (I have some idiotic family there)
  15. matasakeki

    matasakeki Level I

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Drugs are drugs. Don't give them to little children. ADD is merely a doctor's way of saying, "Give me more money."
  16. anonymouso_O

    anonymouso_O Level III

    Dec 20, 2006
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    uhhh, ok there crack head... yeah sure kids should just decide what they want to take... mommy, I want some oxycodone!
  17. Avandia

    Avandia Level III

    Dec 22, 2006
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    Lmao.. I didn't even see that post. ;o Wtf? Let's get these kids coked out on some paxil and vicodin while we're at it, huh? I'm sure they want some! ;o
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