Just came home from watching it and.. I LOVE IT! I've never been a Sex and the city fan but LOL. It was awesome :
two things 1. Sex in the city 2 2. I really question your taste in films as I heard it was absolutely terrible from the critics. 17% fresh rating on rotten tomatoes and 1 star ratings from nearly every film review site ive been to. yes this is coming from me, a guy who doesnt plan on seeing it at all but some movies aren't worth making and this was one of them.. plus Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a horse http://sarahjessicaparkerlookslikeahorse.com/
^ Love the picture^ My fiancée drug me to see the movie and it was in fact terrible. She didn't even like it. I told he before hand that the reviews were terrible but it didn't change her mind. it had maybe one or two funny parts but that's about all.
Okay, I'm not surprised guys act like that, because you're "gay" if you like it, so whatever. And yeah I read the reviews, maybe I just expected nothing and actually liked it. And as far as Jessica goes, so what if she's not the prettiest? I cannot see the connection between that and her acting but maybe that's just me
I honestly don't think liking the movie is "gay". I actually liked the first one and have watched most of the seasons with my fiancée. It's a great show and I just thought the story line of the latest movie was dry and uneventful.
rmiles; I was mostly referring to Charlie's post But I guess the shows and the movie is mostly for girls , but I don't see how the movie was uneventful (though I've read it in the reviews too) .
lol ive just never seen a movie reviewed so bad after the first one was such a hit thats all. as for sjp, i can't even watch the commercials without grimacing at her abnormally long face and weird nose.
I'm pretty annoyed i've still not seen it yet! watched the tv programme religiously and seen the first one a good few times, just not got round to the second yet D: