is is possible to do something like this( sorry if its hard to tell what im trying to say) Code (Text): findcolor(x,y)=var1 if var1=12345678 or 87654321 or 41327980 then loop; else presskey(12) ok a little confusing (i hardly know what i am saying
more like Code (Text): If getcolor(////mouse co ords//219,420)=14144972///bitmap number this is explained in the advanced scar tutorial
can i do something like Code (Text): if getcolor(////mouse co ords//219,420)=14144972 or 1234567 then loop; else presskey(16); loop;
use case then. I would get the scar tutorial in the stores should answer all your questions. Or else if if ////color thing then //what to do Elseif ////color Then //what to do
i have the tutorial and it is very helpful it is just that sometimes it doesnt have all the answers. sorry if i am bothering you all the time with all of my scar questions.
im sorry to be back but i have another question. is it possible to count the number of thime a bitmap appears on the screen?
ok, i am still full of questions, so i am sorry again if i am bothering you. ok first, when scar searches for bitmaps, does it search only the visible part of the screen or can it find thing that arent currently visible unless you scroll down(that might be worded oddly but i kinda dont really know what i am talking about. second, do you need to tell scar where to search for the bitmap, or can you tell it to search anywhere (i want scar to click on it if it sees it anywhere).
as far as i know you can only see bitmaps if they are on the visable part of the screen but that is no problem also with scar if you tell it to look for a bitmap it will look in all of the space in the selected client (the thing you dragged over with the cross hair) hope this helps and if you want me to explain even more just ask
ya i ll give you an example here are your variables Code (Text): junky, x, y: integer; here is what you put in your procedure Code (Text): junky:= BitmapFromString(bitmap stuff); if(findbitmap(junky,x,y))then clickmouse(x,y,true); does that make it clearer?
how would you have it just say how may times a bitmap appears. I am making a true auth to looney toon's script and I was going to use that
ok either i dont understand what your saying or i am not asking the right question. here is what i understood from what you said. Code (Text): var junky: integer; junky= BitmapFromString(123456789); if(findbitmap(junky( and thats where you lost me. because i wanted to tell the general location of the bitmap, not tell it the location. would that look something more like this? Code (Text): var junky: integer; var random: string; junky= BitmapFromString(123456789); if(FindBitmapIn(junky, x1*corner 1 of window*, y1*corner 2 of window*, x2*corner 3*, y2 *corner 4*)) then clickmouse(x,y) wow, that gave me a head ache
I'll walk you through it: Code (Text): junky, x, y: integer; This is the name of the bitmap, and it's cords. Code (Text): junky:= BitmapFromString(bitmap stuff); This is the bitmap info. Code (Text): if(findbitmap(junky ,x,y))then this searches the page for the bitmap. If it finds it, the bitmap's cords = x, y Code (Text): Writeln(inttostr(x)+' '+inttostr(y)); This puts the REAL cords into the reportbox (writeln) That help?
thats what i thought too. ok i have officially given myself a super bad headache. ok i want to tell my program to get a color at a certain place(since the bitmaps were giving me a migraine). i have this much so far Code (Text): program New; var var1: boolean; Procedure procedure1; begin Case _______ of ok so how so i tell it to look in a certain place for a color?
you do it with this Code (Text): getcolor(x,y) gets you the color from a certain chord Code (Text): findcolor(x,y,(color),x1,y1,x2,y2) lets you search for a certain color in a box and then it tell you where it has found it
yeah, i just figured that out and now that i did i feel kind stupid that i didnt before . if i am making a script for a game (you are probably gonna be able to guess which game it is, but i dont want anyone else to take the idea and make their own script) and i want to make it do more than one procedure at the same time and then repeat itself would this be a good code Code (Text): pro1 pro2 pro3 pro4 repeat; i was not sure where but i thought that if there was no semicolon it would be read as one line