I dont know if this is in the right area to post this, but I was looking into the auto score sender and was wondering wat the freeze rate is if I dont abuse it. I would use it on my main so I really would only use it if it was like extremely safe.
but be careful because you can easily "accidentally" abuse it, the wait time you input is important and sometimes you wouldn't know what time to input because the appropriate wait time for each game is different but if you use it correctly, the chance of freezing is 0
so, perhaps someone could make a list of waiting times for the games... people who already used it might have some experiences... that would be nice i think...
rule of thumb: at lest 2 minutes, this should cover all the flash games, you dont need to use a different wait time for each individual games
Two minutes will not work for all game. Anything Hanna related, for example, would be a long wait. The best thing you can do to determine how long you want it to wait, is to play the game once - without sending your score. See how long it takes to get so many points, then just make the program send as much as you want... with an appropriate wait time. Another idea I've had, is to not go from sending scores of 100-200 straight to a trophy with something like Meerca Chase. Over the course of a few days, slowly send higher and higher scores. Make it seem like your playing abilities are improving.
I'm not going to lie - that's pretty clever. Now just have to wait until I get enough points for the program.
I just make sure to submit a mediocre score along with the good ones... I used to have a meerca trainer and i used it to submit an inhuman score on a side (just for kicks) and it went thru, i was in 1st place by like 200 pts ALSO- some1 clearly cheated on chia bomber... The highest possible score is 1687... and he managed like 17something.. u can see, every1 below him had exactly 1687.. cuz thats the score u get from winning! Neo is terrible at catching game cheaters.. They focus more on grand scale cheaters, like abers.. From my experiences thats wat ive at least gathered
Works for almost all the games, you cannot send scores for hanna anyways since it's shockwave, score sender only works with flash
Only flash? Well, damn. Why is it like that? I figured all you needed was a GameID and a desired score.
Obviously, it's because flash and shockwave games are programmed differently, so that's why a program can't do both at the same time. it doesnt work with php games either
I wouldn't expect it to work with Php, that'd just be stupid. I just don't understand how flash and shockwave can be that different. They both send a packet to the Neo server that you spent X time playing, and got Y score. Couldn't a sender just have a scroll-down menue that'd let you select flash / shockwave, and then the program use the particular encoding required?
This leads me to another question I had. Is this time/score packet the only thing neo recieves and therefore all they can use to evaluate the legitimacy of a score? (barring idiocy, of course)
I assume that with some packet sniffing and decoding, we've figured out that they are sent score and time spent. But we can not be sure what other, server-side tools they have to evaluate legitimacy. I am a firm believer that they check your previous scores, just to see if you haven't suddenly become a star at a certain game.
Well, just play a game and use Firefox+TamperData to see what is sent in the POST request. You'll see that there's A LOT of data being sent. Its all encrypted so you can't make much out of it without decrypting it.