Does anyone have/know about a score sender that I can use? If you do please post the download link or whatever. :yup:
Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:02 pm Posts: 1 iTrader: 0|0|0 >Made no introduction. >You cant be bothered to look for yourself... Promising start to the site. Beware of CGs and PW stealers. No working score senders on this site, sorry. My personal favorite is mOBSCENE's SS.
You learn to live without score senders. Here at NF, we're too good for SSing. We use AU or Edge or Ricky's FF ABer or expon's igloo aber or Tharoux's multi iglooer or... cackle's name censor?. B)
AU = Acheteur Ultime = amazing autobuyer downloads.php?d=56 This forum is for Neopets guides, not for your questions. -moved topic-
It is? Whoops, sorry. Wasn't paying attention when creating the topic. I'll try my best not to let it happen again.
if u want a good score sender list .. u can pm me to get it . roughly about 150K NP per day. I used it for about 3 days and never got a "reviewed". Btw i use mobscence's SS .. .
Selling to under lvl 1's is against the rule. And distrubuting OTHER Peoples work that you have claimed for free is also against some law/rule. Please dont do that.
Ahahahaha i love you rhett. You just made my day buddy. But yeah, Helper, not cool trying to sell a program that's not yours. Mobscene's SS works, from what I hear. We had Flare on this site, but it no longer works, tnt added some sort of crazy encryption.