Apologies if this isn't the right section, I was't exactly sure where it should go. I've been using mOBSCENE's for a while now, but in the past few days all I manage are 'FATAL ERRORS'. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for other ss'ers? There's so many trojans/scams out there that I'd rather get advice versus blind searching =p Thanks!
there is a nice one on this site... however its broken just now and is in the process of being fixed. It costs 300 cash points which can be gained from non spam posts or through dontation!! I believe that $1 = 10 cash points 1post=1 cash point and there are also bonus' for leveling up!!
i always get fatal errors but it only appears to me after i finish sending all scores. btw, which version are you using? i believe he released a new one.
You are most likely not using the *newest* version of M0bscene's SS. TNT changes their encryptions and then M0bscene has to change his program. You should google the newest version, click on it, and download it. I advise you to NOT use the old one. Thanks, Fexxel
Please dont go around downloading random scoresenders, mkae sure they are genuine mobscene`s. Also feel free to Virus scan the folder after you download it, there are a few nasty keyloggers our there in disguise.
==EDIT== seems i misunderstood what old said, i thought he meant don't post offsite links. ive re read his post and i misread it, it actually said no offsite programs so i removed the SS.. sorry
"# Discussing, linking, or posting anything that is malicious will not be tolerated. Uploading, downloading and/or linking to anything malicious is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, viruses, trojans, malicious coding, or illegal activity." How do we know you were not posting a scam or malicious program? And in the neopets t&c its states that using programs/ disributing programs is illegal. # Plagiarism and hotlinking will not be tolerated. "Any program, code snippet, or tutorial etc not created by you will require the acknowledgment of the original author(s) and their permission to use their work here on Neofriends. Do not claim the work of others as your own. Also, do not hotlink to images without the owners permission, rather, rehost the image elsewhere (such as ImageShack or Photobucket)." Mobscene did not say you could link his program here....
Holy Shit fexxel just drop it and move on... quoting rules all the time wont get you anywhere. and now your going off topic. Anyways,, Mobscenes programs are good and personally i had no problem with it before.. like somebody already said mob didnt update or change his encryption... Fexxel if you have a link to a working SS then send it via pm to the OP rather than post it. Further posting in this thread would be redundant and useless. thanks Ak*
Whoa! C'mon guys! I didn't mean for an argument to start or anything! I have 3.9 distributed from mobscene himself on a different forum. I was just wondering if anyone else was facing the same things and if they had alternatives =/ Thanks for the info Chris! I'll look into it once I've been around here a bit more
hey the v3.9 is the latest one and before using it you should press the update encryption button bottom right understand if your using the older than 3.9 you will be getting frozen
1. I know I have to update, I'm not retarded. Don't assume because I have the 'newbie' avatar I don't know anything. 2. Actually, 3.8.7 has worked for sometime after 3.9 was out. Didn't get you frozen either. Crapped out just recently though. So, too bad for your theory.