I just got this RE that said "Since you've been so nice today your Crisis Courier scores have been reset." I was able to send my score 3 more times for a total of 6 times today. I had never heard of this before, much less have it happen to me. Anyone else ever get this?
This is the first time I've ever heard of this. So just to be clear, you completed your 3 for the day, then they reset just that game? Seems nice, another easy 3k np. I wish that would happen to be. Was this a neomail? or a Random event? ~Parisdirt
Ya it was a random event (RE) and ya, I ended up being able to make 6k off that game today instead of just 3k.
its hard to get, but ive had it. Once say u play Kass Basher and send score 3times, u may get a RE where u can send it three times for a total of: 6,000nps, if u got 1000 per send
i think if you have certain beads on the your Talisman, you get that random event more often.. not sure though
Never had those , but seems nice if only i am super good at splat a sloth , then ill totally love this event!