I apologize if this is already answered else where, but I've been trying to navigate the site for days, and haven't come across this exact question I have's answer. Can/Does TNT monitor trades from user to user, via TP? Like, when I send stuff to my side for a second gallery, or anything really? Is there then a record kept of that trade in their data base? If so, what about sending things via inventory, using the pop up and sending items one at a time? I've always wondered this, but now that I'm considering using a side to AB small profitable items to send to my main to sell, I'm curious to know the answer. There for I can make an informed decision before risking anything like that. Thx in advance, and again, I apologize if this has already been answered.
TNT CAN SEE EVERYTHING XD yes , they can see when you send items etc. and when you use the trading post ..:yup:
Okay, what would be the safest way to do something like that then, if at all? Sorry if I sound noobish, lol.
if we knew the answer no one would get iced unfortunately there is not certain way, and different things work for everyone. i personally dont involve a main with anything illegit ever.
Alright. So my next question, how do you send the np to your acct, if you don't involve a main? I've read around that some people have fake mains, etc, but that still leaves me confused. :/
The safest way would be use proxies. Just make a trade on your main, log out, use a proxy, wait a minute or two, sign into your spare, then go bid on the trade using your spare. I'd suggest maybe doing something on your spare for a couple minutes or something so it doesn't look like you just signed on to give someone money. When you're done, log out, disable the proxy, wait another minute or two, then sign back into your main and accept the trade. Yes, this way can be tedious, but it is worth it if you're transferring a large amount. Also, you can have side galleries and such. They aren't against the rules. It's just that all of the neopoints must be made on your main.
Proxies are hard to come by now a days it seems. But okay, so, make all the money on spares, make a trade using my main, and then bid on it with spare. Of course, using a proxy or masked IP. I have a static IP, so it's always changing... I could probably keep an eye on my IP. It would be a long and tedious process though. Best bet would be to find a proxy that works, and not tell a soul it exists, lol. Don't want the IP being banned. Thanks.
The best way to use a side to AB with a main (that you don't want iced) is to use a proxy. Pretty risky for the side, because when TNT ice a proxy any account on that is gone. Alternatively, you can create a side account to AB on (on a proxy or not), send the items/nps to the main, then ice the account and repeat. That's probably the safest process you'll get short of using a proxy. AU can also automate processes like this: 1. Create the account on a proxy. 2. Send money to the account from main. 3. Log on AU through a proxy. 4. Tick the box that sends all ABed items to a friend. (and obviously make that your main).
If I were to do it the self ice way, how many days should I wait until icing it? One, two? A week? Since I think AU costs a lot of Cash, but I can't be sure. I'm still trying to nav the site and figure things out.
AU is 300 cash. But it's probably the best ABer anywhere.. You should wait probably up to 3 weeks if you're ABing in a low-profile shop like Pharmacy (which is pretty likely on a new account). You should wait up to about 2 weeks if you're in Magic.. or 1 week or less if you're leaving it on for long periods of time. But that's assuming you have that many 3 month shells to throw around
Ouch, that's a lot of cash, lol. Does AU work on shops like Health Food, of Faerie Books? I should probably search for that program and read on it. Lol.
I believe the AU works for every shop since you just type in the shop ID and then load a list for that shop.
Woww, nice. Now, since I don't want to spam, and make a new topic, hopefully you guys can answer me this here. If I use the Igloo ABer, do I have the 10 item limit to abide by still? Or does it just keep going...and going... granted if it did keep going I'm sure it'd be easier to spot.. the use of an ABer, but still, I'm curious.
Yes you should still have the 10 limit to abide. And I have about 20 side accounts that I use dude its helpful.
TNT is like Big Brother, all knowing/seeing & most likely ugly. Proxies & self freezing are probably the key.
i still don't get the concept of self freezing, wouldnt TNT still know it was you even if you self froze based from their database?
I've often wondered this as well. I've always thought they would find it fishy that one account keeps getting items and/or neopoints from multiple accounts that just happen to keep self-icing. I mean TNT is by no means dumb or ignorant, so does that actually work or is it still very risky for the main you are attempting to help out?