So I realized that the abber I use was overpricing my items (my fault for not checking the settings) so today I wanted to cut everything down by 40% And I just got this neomail Thank you! Message: [Report Message] Hi, normally I don't write people but this time I figured why not. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for your great shop prices as I have completed several of my smaller "collections" that I haven't had the extra nps to finish. Of course, I've bought bunches of other things I didn't need and I am depleteing my poor bank account, but who cares. Anyway, sorry to bother you. As you know, your prices are great (awesome) and I just wanted to say thanks for that. Have a nice day, I gotta get back to your shop so I don't miss anything. LOL! I laughed, and even though all the items in my shop are illegit, it made me feel like a good person on the inside
Rofl, at one point I lowered my prices by 75% because I thought it was the other way around, MAN I was so confused how all of my items suddenly dissapeared so fast xD I also got neomails asking me to stock up NAO and stuff, that's when I realized it It also made me feel good, because it didn't really make me loose that much since it was just choco and books But that was a nice neomail actually ;D
Lol I sent one of those before. I had a school supplies gallery, and I found virtually /everything/ I needed in one shop. They were all like 80% less than the supposed price ;D The person even thanked me for buying it and sent me some UB School Stuff (I spent over 800k in that shop)
Those are sweet stories guys And SWEET BABY JESUS if you ever need to clear out your shop 40% is the way to go...(maybe I should've went to 30%) I had around 600 items and now down to 90 lawl.
Good idea actually, put tons of stuff in for heaps lower prices, then when you go to restock, wack a few cheap ones in, along with a few normal or overpriced items. Hopefully people buy them without checking the prices
Thats a good thought, but I just did it to clear out all the old stuff, I got tired of selling what I sold and want to experiment in a couple of different shops and have a fresh stock up
By reducing 40% you might have lost some profit..Am i right?? Were you looking to clear the shop?? Sorry my bad..i tend to skip some posts!!