If you haven't notice lately... anything to go with spooky... Prices just gone up! up and up! So, Abing more in Spooky food Furniture ("Pumpkin" items) Candy (Jack-O-Lantern Pail) Spooky Furniture (almost every thing has gone up) Any wearable "spooky" related
Why did prices rise? Spooky Food is one of my favorite places to ab, so this is sounding pretty sweet. B)
Yeah that was a dumb question I don't know what I was thinkin. :nope: Although many people seem to have picked up on this, AU has missed a whopping total of 2 items today. Yes I know it's hard to believe. :lol:
Plushies are good too! all the Halloween ones Halloween JubJub Plushie Halloween Blumaroo Plushie Halloween Nimmo Plushie Halloween Lupe Plushie (managed to get one today!)