I noticed some people bought (or so they claim) draik eggs from Main Shops. I just got the Billy MSAB (after doing the tutorial of course) and I was wondering at what shop ID I could get these cool items... So I have a small list (lol) What shop can I get a: -Kad petpet from -Draik Egg -Paintbrushes Thanks!!! (+rep if you can help)
http://www.neopets.com/objects.phtml?ty ... bj_type=56 for Draik Egg http://www.neopets.com/objects.phtml?ty ... bj_type=25 for Kadoatie I think but I'm not sure Edit: dang, too late :arf: Edit 2: Yep, I'm quite sure it's shop 25 where the Kad would stock.. it's pretty rare, though
The rep point goes to anyone who can point out where to get the draik and Kad... Not too late, Saph never posted where to get the Kad.
yes, just 56. you meant Kadoatie http://items.jellyneo.net/?go=item&showitem=18049 stated shop #25 http://items.jellyneo.net/?go=item&showitem=9929 stated shop #56 hint: click on