Well..I'm kinda tired of my siggy..and I don't really have an avie to go with my username so I was wondering if you guys could make me one? So it has to do something with Pandemonium, chaos, panic, craziness...etc. And if you want to incorporate this pic you can as an example for what i want. And finally +rep for all those who make one. GL
Well, I see you liked panda's but I decided I should try too. Here's my sig. I think it's good for what you want it to look like. Enjoy ^^
Ibadmus - Awesome! Love the avatar and sig...but u spelled my username wrong...it's "p4nd3m0n1um". Still love it though! BTW when I upload the avatar it says it needs no be less than 6kb..and 75 px by 75 px...that sucks. How'd you guys get to upload avies that are bigger than the limit? Goncalo - You also spelled my username wrong. If you could fix it that would be fine...
You can use one bigger than 75 x 75 if you upload it on your own site, or a free image uploading site, and then link to it instead of uploading it on neofriends.net.