Sloth Day! Today, on January 14th it's Sloth Day. Today you can take Dr. Sloth's Loyalty Test in Sloth's Mind Control Lab in order to unlock the 'I *heart* Sloth' avatar. The answers are: C, D, B, C, A. Don't forget to check the box at the top of the test. Isn't sunnyneo wonderful? :yup: LINK: ((clicky))
You mean this avvie? I *heart* Happiness Visit the Happiness Faerie in the Gallery of Heroes while your active avatar is the I *heart* sloth avatar. Thats what sunnyneo said. *pokes* and by following that link, I came to the space faerie page. I think its broken in some way, prolly on the neopets site... but from what I understand you don't need to get that one today, all you need is to have the I *heart* happiness avvie as you active one and visit that page... no time requirement...
the gallery of heroes and the gallery of villains has been glitched for a while you cant get the vira avatar either, dont worry about that though when they fix it ull be able to get it again
I put in all the right answers and it said I got it wrong. fortunately I was accidentally on my side when I did it, but still, not too pleased about that edit: oh, right. box at the top. didn't see that XD
Well, it worked for me Did you check the box at the top? (I don't know if that would cause you to get it wrong or not....)
ya, I was surprised that that would keep it from being right, but oh well. Got it just fine on my main. It's a shame about the galleries though, especially because I can't unlock the battledome challengers. I sent in a bug report to neopets but I guess I'm not the only one suffering from the issue. I guess that's good to hear
To get that avatar, click on the arrow to change the hero page. When you have a different hero go to your address bar and remove the number (for example if you had the queen, number 3) and replace it with ihearthappiness
*pokes above post* if that link doesn't work, make sure you have the I *heart* Sloth as your active av or maybe you can't link it. Just do what Coldness said...
Grave Digging... Ish bad! You got be excited, thinking they made a mistake and re-released it today. Fo Shame!