you're playing snowmuncher, in neopets, and suddently, you realize that you ate a block you shouldn't have. Oh! no! all th snow is falling on you ! you're gonna die! Well, maybe not... I realized while playing that if you keep pressing the left arrowwhile all the snow is falling, the snow disapear, leaving you healty. But watch out1 it doesn't work on the borders, and, i'm not sure if it works with the grey blocks. Leave your replies
Mind posting some screenshots to show what your talking about? Also this should be in the neopets general discussion
Are you talking about when the blocks fall but then disappear cause they hit other blocks their color? That happened to me a few times and then i realized that its cause they linked together.
no, it's when blocks fall on you, and there supposed to hit you, but you stand beside a block and keep pressing left, they just disapear (sorry , i'm not very good for screenshots)
Lol bugging the game sometimes it also mgiht be that when the pc slows down it simply jumps over few addresses or lines in the game and won't take any healt from ya
I noticed that if it is only one color going to hit you, you can eat it just before it hits you. But I think it only works when it is right above your head.