Recently, I Posted I was IP Banned. Which, I thought I was, I cant connect to neopets in Any way, except using a porxy site. and I still cant. the page never loads, and it says Internet Explorer Cannot Display Webpage as if its not connected. Today, my brother got on his XO Laptop, and connectedto my wireless router, and he was on neopets. I checked to see If I was Ip banned on their, but he wasnt. He succesfully created a neopets account, and activated it. I went to check my IP address on the Laptop, and its the same as the one I cant get to neopets on. I'm So confusedd.... am I IP Banned or What Going On???
judging from what you've said, it doesnt sound like an ip ban. An IP ban would mean no computer on the same IP would work. Im not sure if its possible for them to ban a computer??? but it sounds like its something with just your pc. I know of other games that can hardware ban you, but i dont think neopets can.
I think the neo's network was acting up not long ago.. Did this only occur once or is it still happening ?
I cant imagine them taking the time to single out one players ip and ban him unless you make their life at neopets a living hell.
If you mean coming back every week and ABing every shop possible Yeah, it still isnt working though. I went on a proxy site and it worked fine o_0
what you could do is go into your router settings ( usually, you can google to find out your specific router and try to reset you stuff through there. Otherwise you can wait a couple of weeks and hope that your ip gets reset by your provider.