For a change of pace, I thought I'd "make" a few avatars that go along with level color so everyone can use them if they are tired of the default ones. These are kinda bleh, but it's better than nothing, right?... If you don't like these, make a new set of avatars yourself and show them off here. Code (Text): Dimensions W:95 H:81, m for blue, and pro for pink).png Code (Text): Dimensions W:100 H:100 These image codes are a little different. and m for blue)-1.png and for pink I realize these are a little sloppy, but hey I'm using over here. Thanks for reminding me, Charles. Credit where credit is definitely due
I found them on deviantart and liked them so I cut them out, edited them a bit, and messed with the hues a bit.
not bad, but remember with deviantART, mostly anything (probably everything) there is copyrighted. Just give credit where it's due
I like the bright colours! Love love deviantART found so many good brushes/resources there for graphics
Really good! My favorite part is the cage around the bird. I don't really understand the second row. What are we stopping?
Eh, we're not really stopping anything. I rather like the superficial side of art. Reading into the real meaning of art is more for the intellectual folk. I thought the sign looked cool so I made it into an av. I could care less what it means. :rhett:
I like the birds too. x) The stop sign just kinda fit along with the birds because of the speech bubble thing I had going on.