Hi! Welcome to Neofriends.net! Please read the rules and familiarize yourself with them before going on to talk on the forums so you can have more fun on this website. Thank you! Also just to let you know..., TNT may freeze your account if you post your username here on neofriends.net... Thats not a good thing... Please refrain from posting it here again. Thank you.
First and foremost, welcome to NF Secondly, DO NOT EVER POST YOUR NEOPETS INFORMATION PUBLICLY! this is a cheat site, which is a freezable offense, therefore if neo find your accounts posted on any cheating websites, they will more than likely freeze your accounts. Please be wary, and do not jeopardise your accounts <3 Any questions on this matter feel free to pm me Once again, welcome aboard to NF, enjoy the place and abide by the rules! <3 SoC xx