I'm looking for some suggestions on what would be some good investments for the future. Anyone have any good ideas?
I'd go with... just about any Advent Calendar item. People like to collect them. Neggs, plushies, anything of the sort that can fall into -another- category. There are so many galleries now and destined to pop up in the future, people will be sure to want something eventually for a high price.
I don't think Advent Calendar items are a good investment as too many of them are released at one time, which makes the quantity almost hard to inflate, Items that were released in year 4 advent calendar are still around 3-5k depending, which isn't much of an inflation. How much do you have to spend? If you have quite a lot I'd go with something retired such as RoTL (Ring of the lost) or Sleep Ray, both are very good battledome weapons and both are "retired" meaning the quantity is at a set limit.
Well I don't have enough for those right now. But, I've invested in a few tyrannian pb's. Do you think those will eventually go back up?
Hard to say, with stuff like that they can always be tarla'd again in which case you wait even longer for them to go back up, as well as it isn't a clothes baring paint brush, at least to my knowledge, they might not go up very high at all
what do people think of the spooky halloween goodie bags (forgot which year) but there were rumours about them very very rarely containing count von roo booster packs (I think this is likely), meowclops (I suspects less likely) and halloween pb's (Would not be surprising), they are retired and I was thinking about picking up maybe 100 or so, are they investment material?
I forget what year bag it is, but yes I know which ones you are talking about. An investment for long term use maybe, but short term definitely not.
Holiday themed items are a pretty good investment. Things that come around once a year. eg Valentines day - A Mysterious Valentines Card Halloween - Jack-O-Lantern Pail (buy these around March or so. This year I bought quite a few around 15k in March, sold them for 100k+ around halloween) Also, the items that make up the Chef Bonju avatar might interest you
I'd go with weapons. BD items have a very big market and those battledomers have quite the bit of dough to spend. I wouldn't be able to tell you exactly what weapons to invest in but just do some research and I'm sure you'll find something .