Ok, so I finally found wi-fi at my house, and I just started using it. My question is, do I get charged for being online even though my iPhone doesn't have a plan? Also, how do I know if I'm using 3G or not? P.S. I'm on my phone as we speak XD
That depends. Pay & Go iPhone users need to pay £349.99 for the handset, and top up at least £10 every month in order to qualify for unlimited free internet browsing: From our friend Google.
I'm currently a pay as you go user, and I'm just using a random wifi that's near my house, Am I gonna get a bill at the end if the month for it?
No. I have an iPhone 3g and I am pay as you go. I only buy unlimited texting which is 19.99. Other then that, I use wifi for internet and I am not charged. As for people with plans, I'm not entirely sure. Hope I helped a little.
Thanks, that pretty much covered what I need to know. Btw that unlimited text for 20 bucks seems really interesting.
The IPhone will default look for Wi-Fi in the area (make sure, go to your settings, then connections) Its in there somewhere. If you need more help finding it let me know. As long as that's the case, it should ask you to join a network.. once you've joined a network/wifi close by, everytiume you are in that area it should auto-connect to it again. And then while you're there it will be free to use internet. The only issue being if they turn off their router or something and you wouldn't know. So my advise is everytime you're connecting to a Wi-Fi that is not your own, double check to see if it is available (in your settings)
One thing you need to be aware of is that if the iphone is connected to a wifi network and it loses signal from the wifi it will put you onto the networks internet so you can continue to browse uninterrupted which usually results in charges. If I remember correctly there is a option on the iphone to turn the internet from your network off.
using wi-fi does not cost you any money in any regard while on your iphone.. in terms of knowing if your on 3G or not, it should say in the top left corner. If not, you can go to setting>General>Network>Enable 3G>turnON