hello, I was making a script, and the compiler tells me that IsTextInArea(160,411,195,425,'Next') is not the good way it must be used. I searched in many guide/tuturial but nothing on this fonction if you have the anwser or have some tutorial that explain...
function IsTextInAreaEx(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; var x, y: Integer; S: String; Tolerance: Integer; Chars: Integer; CheckShadow, CheckOutline: Boolean; MinSpacing, MaxSpacing: Integer; TextColor: Integer) : Boolean; - Searches for text in area specified by x1, y1, x2, y2. Other parameters match IsTextAtEx. file:///C:/Program%20Files/SCAR%202.03/Help/manual.htm#program ftw.
Tell the script what the 'Next' looks like, just putting the script in and running it makes it think its looking for the RSC font (runescape classic)
You mean just serach for a bitmap? You mean something else, I guesse but I don't understand whats you mean by "Tell the script what 'Next' look, because Nest is a simple string, not a bitmap. Thanks for help, I'm sure we'll find the anwser !