Hey i'm having some issues with neopets... i played for quite a long time to earn nps . now i reached my goal and i have enough nps... but what will make me happy now? spending it on sbd items? sth else? what is fun spending the money on? thanks guys!
lolol normally people figure that out before they set an NP goal I have no idea dude, whatever you are interested in. If you aren't interested in buying anything, then I guess you have wasted your time making those NPs...
naah i set a goal related to the NP, i wanted to have like a strong BD pet with nice items, but there haven't been wars for a long time so im not sure if buying BD items is just a waste of money... im more a 1p-kinda battler Edit: some ideas i can think of: -make a lot more np by cheatin -achieve some nice things (awwwesome trophy, maybe bd pet?) -buy some unique items that are worth it -find stuff i can invest np in
It really depends on how much np it is. Like lets say your goal was 10 mil... or 100 mil.... or even 1 bil... etc.
Well if there nothing you want to do with it.. Do one of my favourite things. GAMBLE! Treasure Maps or Nerkmids.. Heck, go for the Nerkmid Gold Trophy in a few days for reset night And it gives you time to buy it...
right, but there are so many easier ways to get 50 bucks... this game is for fun and is not the best for makin money i stick to my idea of fun
I do like collecting r99s for fun, so maybe you could try collecting stuff or...get rotting riches scratchcards and go for the moehog skull/nimmo finger prizes
Yes.. My idea for the win!!! You could even post your nerkmids results here!! So we ALL get to enjoy them.
I have the exact same problem, but what I do is just set an even higher goal Never ends, and you end up making a fortune.
right so you got a fortune. thats a nice goal...but what is your actual benefit? and another thing. making a fortune is a possible goal but i dont want to do it by using stock market or ABing all day (too risky). is there a way too make good money legitly if you already have a nice bank account? oh and i might try that nerkmid thing.. how does it work? you just buy nerkmids and go the nerkmid machine?
Well, I've made most of my nps, wich is about 100m legitly, and I've made some using the Igloo aber, which very low risk compared to the main shop Abers. Also there really isn't a short cut to making nps legitly, I simply RSed, resold HTS/ETS items, Sniped, stock market, and a little bit of the Food Club didn't hurt. Well, for me, once I am satesfied, or have lost all interest in the site, I will sell off my nps for real money.
well..Nerks and T-maps are kinda expensive..if your assets is like 1Bil..go for this two.. if its not well maybe u can start with like 100 of neocola tokens? ..
He he, the point of saving Neopoints is to have something to spend them on when you reach your goal. Well, what about a kind of multi-goal? Like, I am saving Neopoints for the lab map. Once I have it, I want to start zapping very well-name pets. This way, I can either start my own adoption agency (as if enough of them don't already exist), or contribute to an already existing one! Three goals in one! Besides that, if you haven't already, create your dream pets? Use it to get avatars?