actual values: food- $31.40 makeup-$29.93 clothes-$191.26 gas-$52.56 drugs/alc-$72.68 other-$20.79 =$398.62 between Dec 16 and Jan 6...dear god.
I KNOOOOWWW and the worst thing is, there's a pair of $40 heels that I KNOW I'm going to give in and buy tomorrow- I've visited them twice already and been everywhere but haven't found a cheaper substitute :'( And going to NYC will cost $30 round trip + shopping money + food money. Cry cry cry cry cry cry cry
just bought another $47.93 of hair and beauty products.........I CANT BUY YOU ANYTHING BECAUSE I AM SPENDING ALL OF MY MONEY ON SHIT
If it makes you feel any better that's not nearly as bad as it could be. For instance you could have gotten a 10 grand Christmas bonus on the 20th, have less than 2 thousand left and not know where half of it went....
Yeah I agree with Ang. Pretty normal to me as well. Whether you should keep up I don't know... since it's bothering you, you should stop xD hahaaha xD "forget your card" xD
Since when have I ever offered beneficial advice, Boba? I'm surprised that you're surprised. LOL! But seriously, Phee. If you have a spending problem, stop spending your money and spend your parents' instead. Coldy knows what's up. <3
Great advice as always Ang! Except that it already is all my parents' money. -__- I haven't had a job in like half a year. The good thing is that I've been able to blame 90% of my spending on textbook purchases, yay! I figure I can wring out another hundred bucks or two on textbooks.