I hope they introduce a new map to collect, like the space maps 6 or so years ago. (click all over neopia to find links and get a map piece afterwards!) Would be great if they did that and retire it after a couple of months *sees the cash*
I hope they won't have a war yet as my pets are far away from ready Need to lab em more.. Or I maybe I should just start training to get my pets ready :S
I LOVE WARS. Cuz I pick evil sides all the time But meh..it's TNT..they like to get us excited...but it's actually something gay :maha:
I think it's gonna be a new plot, maybe something to do with those islands on the back of the globe. I know one of them is Lutari Island, but the other one is also there and if you look at it closely, it looks like it has something on it. So I think it will be the opening of a new world. I don't know, I might be being overly optimistic. [...]
Like the Kiko world, I stumbled across it today and it was waaaay to empty.. And the maraqau ruins could use some filling aswell!
Yeah, i never expect much from the plot or war or so many new items. Maybe they should releaseTNT Official Autobuyers in the future (& purchase with np) to make autobuying legit ?
They normally don't do new wars this time of year... at least, notas far as I can remember... Don't they normallystart in spring or so? Either way, I'd love awar like the HATIC one
Who knows? Maybe a new avatar <--- FINALLY .____. Rumors said a new neopet is coming.... But a Plot/War would be fun~
They've had a lot of new neopets lately, though. I remember when the Ixi was a huge surprise (Not really, because Meridell came too, but you know what I mean) because there hadnt really been new pets. Now we have the Xweetok, just before customization which is still pretty recent, and the Lutari/Ogrin/Gnorbu/Hissi... Thats more than they used to release.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's hilarious. Neopets takes their own sweet time on everything they say they're going to do. They do at least forty things between what they say they're actually going to do.