Space faerie codes?

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by WildSnorlax, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    So yeah I waas wondering what sort of merchandise gives you the space faerie as challenger?
    I bought two plush {strawberry poogle and rainbow chomby} and I didnt get them. Do you know that the code will give you a space faerie challenger for sure since I see people selling it? Anyways what items do I need to get?

    Cuz I guess the tags on my plushies says "key quest", would space faerie items say something along the lines of it?

    Then again i'm in Canada not every single thing is available to me :/